Chapter 1- School

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Authors notes:

Hello and welcome to my story I hope you enjoy it! I have all the plot planned out and I have written most of it but here's the first chapter! Be warned this is my first ever fanfic and story on Wattpad so excuse any spelling errors. I have no idea when I will update next but it will be soon! There are some triggering things in this story if you want the full list go to the description on the story. Anyway on with the story!!!


Eren's POV

Hi, I'm Eren Yeager. I'm a 16 year old high school student currently studying at Maria high. I don't have many friends in fact I only have two, Armin and Mikasa. We haven't been friends for long as I joined school a year late. My parents both died in a car crash when I was 12 years old, but for some reason I didn't get put in an orphanage so I live alone. However I did move schools because I started to get violent toward other children and was considered a threat. Which is absolute bullshit.

''Eren pay attention if I have to warn you again I will have to keep you back at the end.''

''Sorry Miss'', returning my attention to the doodles I was doing previously, Blocking out my teacher's constant droning about god knows what. Sighing, I leant back in my chair staring at the ceiling until I heard the bell go. Packing up my stuff and walking out the class and to my locker, to get my gym kit for next lesson.

''Oi, forest boy where do you think you're going?''

No. Not again. Before I could run away I was pinned up to my locker. Wincing at the sudden contact between my back and my locker, I looked up to see none other than Jean Kirstein a.k.a. my bully.

''What do you want, Horseface?''

''How dare you little shit! Time to teach you lesson.''

Soon after I found myself coming into contact with his fist, knocking me to the floor.

''Ow... shit that hurt.''

Sensing shadows over me I opened my eyes to find Jean and his 'friends'. Pain wasn't rare for me anymore I had learnt to deal with it after all I was weak and the weak get overpowered by the strong, it's just the way the world works. Bullied every day, no friends that understand me, no parents, I self-harm and I tried to commit suicide and I would have succeeded if someone didn't find me. The only thing that kept me from trying again was Mikasa's constant surveillance over me, she even moved in with me and Armin visits regularly. To this day I never knew who saved me.


My bullies eventually got bored and left me bruised and lying on the floor. Attempting to stand I caught a glimpse of a strange looking man looking at me. The first thing I noticed was his beautiful steel-grey eyes and pitch black hair. He seems familiar but I couldn't quite place it, I have never him around the school before. He could be a new student, I feel sorry for him seeing this on his first few days. When I managed to drag myself up to stand, I looked to where the man stood but he wasn't there. Like everyone else who doesn't want to be seen with me I don't blame him.

I started making my way to the exit of school, people shouting names like fag, gay, freak, suicidal manic and forest boy, I have learnt to just ignore them it's natural now. I just prayed I wouldn't see Jean again and get home safely.

Mikasa's POV

It's taking Eren forever to get home I hope nothing bad has happened. I knew what Jean and his friends were doing to him and when I went to tell the school Eren begged me not to saying it would make things worse. I didn't understand why but I went along with it I hate hurting him but I hate seeing him get hurt more. We may not have known each other very long, but I have fallen for him I mean who wouldn't his smile could kill and his eyes are like an angels. It pains me but he only thinks of me as his best friend/ super overprotective sister. One day I will tell him then maybe he could be happy with me.

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