chapter 27

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When we got to the restaurant, everyone got a seat. I sat next to Ethan and Melissa was right in front of me next to Jake. We started chatting and laughing until the waiter came and took our order.
While listening to Ethan and Jake fighting over soccer team, I felt like someone was staring at me. I looked around and saw the brown eyes that i have been running away from for a year now.
I started shaking and tears started to fall down my face. It is my worst nightmare. I wanted to have fun with the love of my life and my best friends. But here we are, shaking and crying because of a man who ruined my life.
"Hey babe. What's wrong?" I looked at Ethan, shake my head and ran outside.
"LUCIIIIIIII. COME BACK." I heard him yell after me.
I went outside and cried hard. Hands wrapped around me, I screamed and pushed them away. I looked at who was it and saw hurt on Ethan face. I wrapped my arms around, hide my face in his chest and cried.
"Well well well, little sexy princess has finally found her Prince charming." I felt Ethan tense up  I started shaking more.
"Oh come to daddy. He can make you feel good." He said then laughed.
"I thought you were in jail." I whispered.
"Oh princess. I ran away."
I looked at him and saw him smirking. I took Ethan hand so we can leave, but he didn't budge. I looked at him he was glaring at the man in front of us.
I looked at the restaurant door and saw Mel and Jack. Mel mouthed that she called the police. She must of heard everything.
That man came right in front of us and pushed Ethan from me. His pushed was to strong that I fell on the floor. Ethan, from his anger, punched the man right is his face. I was staring in shocked, I didn't know what to do.
Finally we heard the police sirens. The man tried to run away but Ethan tackled him down until a police man came and took him back to jail.
Ethan took my hand and took us to the car. We sat there in silence until we got home. We sat there for a minute then I started talking.
"A year ago, I was going home from school. On my way, someone pushed me to a black path and raped me. It was that man. I told my parents and the police. They took him to jail for life time."
Tears were falling down my face. Ethan took my head, put it on his chest and kissed it.
"Shhh. He is gone and will protect you don't worry."
I went inside, told my mother what happened, I don't hide anything from her and slept next to her afraid that he will come at me.

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