chapter 20

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The next morning, I woke, got dressed and got out of the house. There was a car parked in front of the house. Wait! Is that Ethan’s car?!
The window opened and there was the black haired hazel eyes boy. Ethan smiled at me.
“Come on! We are going to be late for school!” He called.
I got in the car, put my seat belt and smiled.
“I thought being late was a hobby for you.” I smirked.
He laughed out loud.
“Yeah it is. But why not being on time for once.”
I nodded and we drove off.
When got in there, all the students were looking at me and whispering.
“Um... what’s going on?” I whispered.
I looked at Ethan, he had his phone in his hand and he looks furious. Then he run and got in the school. I got my bad from the car and ran after him. I saw him, he was holding James from his shirt.
“TAKE THAT VIDEO OFF THE INTERNET AND TELL THE WHOLE SCHOOL THE TRUTH YOU ASSHOLE.” He yelled at him. Someone laughed behind him. We all looked and it was Victoria. She came to Ethan and started to touch his biceps.
“Oh honey. Why do you care about that slutty emo? She went on a date with James so she have a bit of fun.”
When she said that, I remembered the nightmare, what happened with James and what happened in the other school.
I looked at Ethan then ran away tears falling down my cheeks. Hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me to them.
“Sh... princess... calm down. They are not going to get away with it that easily.”

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