chapter 15

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When I woke up, I wasn’t in my room. I got up scared then remembered what happened yesterday. I left the room and bumped into a hard chest I looked up and saw a really beautiful blue eyes staring into mine.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning.” I whispered.
“Slept well?”
“I had a few nightmares but it passed. Oh by the way, thank you for saving me yesterday.”
“No problem princess. I can’t see a girl being abused like that.”
“Oh! For someone who has a bad boy reputation, you’re not bad as I can see.”
“You still don’t know me.”
“I know. Oh! Please. Where the bathroom?”

“Right there.”
I went to the bathroom and saw myself in the mirror. I look awful. I made myself presentable then remembered that it’s Saturday. OMG! I have to go home right away. I get out of the bathroom and started to search for Ethan so I can go home. When I entered, there was a shirtless Ethan. My eyes popped up and I left the room immediately and slammed the door and murmured “That was so embarrassing.” I heard him in his room laugh. My face became redder than before. The door opened and I couldn't look in his eyes.
“Um... would you... um... please... would you take me home?”
I looked at him from my eyelashes and he was try so hard not to laugh.
“And if you want to laugh at me, go ahead.”
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Come on. Let’s take you home.”
He hold my hand, and I felt something in my stomach.
We got in the car and drove off. When we got to my house, I thanked him and went to open the door Ethan called me.
I looked at him in a questioning look.
“Go and dye your purple again, and go to your emo look. It suits you better.”
I looked at him shy and nodded.
When I got in, I went to my room so I can get ready for my father’s trip.

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