chapter 10

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Luciana pov
It’s Sunday. Me and Cherps were sitting in the park near the lake.
“So... you didn't tell me about your new school. So how is it? Made some friends for once?
“It’s like any school I went to. And yeah I made some but we had a fight.”
“And why that?”
“Because  guy called James asked me out and she didn’t want me to date him”.
“Do you know why?”
“She said it’s because he is a player, but I don’t want to judge him before I get to know him.”
“Oh. Yeah you’re right.”
I felt someone staring at me, I looked around and saw Ethan and his mates not far away from us, he was looking at me.
“Cherps, I am hungry. Let’s go eat something please.”
“Yeah sure why not?”
Before we left, I looked at Ethan and he was still staring at me. Why is he staring at me? Oh god. Does he hate me as well, like everyone, and wants to bully me? I was thinking about it all.
“Do you think I should change my appearance and be a normal girl?”
“Where did that come from? Absolutely not. Stay yourself. Stay different. Stay special. Don’t become like all the girls.”
“But I always get bullied for my emo look, and I’ve never had a boyfriend, maybe it’s because of my look.”
“First, you are going on a date on Friday. Second, if the boy won’t love for who you are, it’s his lost and he’s not worth it. Listen up Luci, you are beautiful the way you are, don’t change it for a boy because someday you will find a guy who will love you the way you are. Why most girls think of themselves as ugly and not worth it? I don’t understand.”
“Because so one is making them feel beautiful, boys judge the girls by their appearance, so if they see someone ugly, they keep reminding her that she’s ugly.”
“In my opinion no girl is ugly. They are beautiful in their own way. Besides, boys are jerks nowadays and I am the first one.”
“No you are not a jerk. You are the best. I love you so much big bro.”
I hugged him tight, I didn’t want to let go of him and right there I started crying.
“Please don’t leave me alone in this cruel world.”
“Sisi! I may not be always here physically but I will always be in your heart. I will never leave you alone. And remember I am a text away.”
I nodded and we went home. Tomorrow I have to go back to hell. Great.

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