Something settles in the center of my chest as tears I blink back are unshed, my voice becomes stronger as I admit, "I care about Linda, Sydney, Rochelle...Warren. I care about their futures, ones in which they are free to make their own choices. They all deserve so much better then the lives they have been given, the cards that have been dealt."

It's a funny thing...

...I was caught because I cared about saving a single human life. I care for them more then I would have thought possible and give myself credit for and now I know...I'll fight for their freedom even if it costs me my life because who else is going to?

A warmth floods my heart, a soft smile making its way to my lips as I hadn't realized my eyelids had slowly closed over the course of my thoughts. I hold onto the love I have for them all, knowing things can and will change, because this isn't the world we were meant to live in...if you can call it living...once again, it's just surviving.

A light chuckle emits from the back of Dante's throat, hardly having noticed that his touch had faded away from my skin. Blinking my eyelids open, I see him standing in front of me with his arms crossed in front of his chest, his voice making me feel reassured when he says, "Hold onto what makes you human and you'll lean into it easily."

I wasn't sure exactly what he meant...that is, until I ran my tongue along my teeth, my fangs having completely receded to that of a normal human being's.

"Your appearance and scent are masked, portraying the role from which you were born," Dante explains to me, my heart accelerating at this amazing discovery.

"Is this what you were referring to when you said you'd help me select my genes?" I breathe out, the warmth in my heart a flickering flame that brings me light and hope.

Dante nods and replies, "Yes. You will need to comprehend this unique ability only a hybrid possesses. You hardly need my next piece of advice when I say, what makes you a vampire and what makes you a werewolf? Come to terms on your own and you'll easily be able to control your portrayal without a second thought."

"Thank you," I sincerely appreciate what he's showing me. He's a lot stronger then I and I should tread carefully around him from now on. There's just something not quite right that I can't put my finger on. Immediately, my thoughts travel to Marc and a horrible feeling settles in the pit of my stomach, slowly allowing the flame to dye within my heart for the connection I have toward the humans.

I love him, I truly do and I didn't mean to hurt him.

"I need to go," I blink a few times before reverting my gaze back to Dante, the tips of my fangs brushing my lower lip as it trembles for a moment.

Dante eyes me curiously and then nods. I turn away from him, making it a few feet away before he calls, "Remember what I said." I know he's referring to claiming Marc.

How can I forget?

There is no reply that leaves my lips, finding my way back inside Dante's estate and traversing the hallways. There's a few familiar faces I see while making my way down to the end of the hallway at which Marc's room has been established. When I linger in front of the closed door, butterflies find their way into my stomach and cause me to second guess myself for a split second, but I stop and take a deep breath.

Glancing to my left, the table resting up against the wall has a flower vase on top of it, along with a few books and a pad of paper with a few pens in a holder. A small lamp also rests near the back, currently switched off as the lighting from the windows provides enough illumination.

I take one of the pens, writing out on the pad of paper:


I don't deserve you. You deserve far better then having me for a mate. I never thought my life would end up so complicated...but I'm thankful you were apart of that complication. You showed me how to run free, to be myself even in the worse situations imaginable.

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