"Hm, i don't smell anything."

"How can you not smell that?!"

"It smell like charcoal and... And fresh cut grass?"

"I agree with Vylad here" i say as i put my arm around him.

"At least I don't smell like a whiney brat!"

"A brat?! You're the one who acts like a brat, maybe that's why you dont have any friends!"


"He needs to stop turning his back on me and just fight me already!!"

I grabbed Aph from the back of her shirt to hold her in place, Vylad went in front of her and out his hands on her shoulders to stop her from moving any farther. "Hey! Hey! Calm down."

"Aph, chill."

"But you saw It! The way he-"

"Yes, i did Aph but you need to cool down and stop making a scene!"

"Ok ok let's take a step back and evaluate this situation. He is at least 6 foot tall monster who might have secret chainsaws for hands and youuuuuu... are an adorable teeny tiny fluffy kitty."

"Don't.you.call.me.kitty! Ever!"

"You see what you dud Vylad, you triggered her."

"Alright geez! Either way, you fighting him isn't the best idea."

"Y/N is at least the same height as me!"

"Yeah well, she can actually pack a punch. I mean she gave Ivy a black eye twice!"

"That went around school already? Damn."

"But do you know how annoying he is?!"


"First off he has no manners and he pushes me to the aide whenever he feels like It! Then  werewolf class he makes fun of me whenever i get an answer one under his breath and then he'll hit me with his stupid smelly jacket sometimes theeeen-"

I put my hand over her mouth, "Just stop, the making fun of you part is not only him.... I laugh too, anyways chill."

"Alright, sista calm down gurlfriend!"

I looked at Vylad with a glare. I removed my hand from Aphmau. "Look all im trying to say is, meditate breathe in... breathe out."

"You're right I'm over reacting. Positive thoughts, positive thoughts, breathe..."

I heard Aaron mumble something. Jesus fuck Aaron, I'm going to give you a good smack in the head! Aphmau started yelling again and Vylad had to hold her back.

"Aphmau and Y/N~ senpai!"

"Kawaii-chan?" Me and Aph said at the same time.

"Did you just call us senpai?" Aph asked.

"Uh yeah, Kawaii-chan did!"

"Ok why did you call us that? Aren't you the same age and grade as Aphmau?"

"Oh well it's just, Y/N~senpai Is older than us, and cause Kawaii-chan really admires Aphmau and Y/N~senpai! Like a lot! Aphmau~senpai seems so confident and outgoing and Y/N~senpai is so funny and cool! Kawaii-chan wishes she can be like that, especially now."

"Kawaii-chan please don't give her too many compliments." Vylad said.

"Hehehehe, you really think Aphmau~senpai is confident and outgoing?" Aph said as she started laughing.

Why Me? - Garroth x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now