The Explanation

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With the nucleus destroyed, green lights began to exit out of the AIM Burst body. Not only that, all the Lever Up victims were starting to wake up.

Godzilla let go of the creature as it was dead. Godzilla then stomp on the AIM burst head. Godzilla let out a loud Victory roar as it can be heard all over Academy City.

Godzilla looked at Mikoto one last time before heading back into the sea to find a place to turn back into his human form.


Somewhere in space........

"So he has returned." Said a mysterious huge figure in the dark. The Figure watch a protection from a huge crystal that showed Godzilla beat the AIM Burst. "I look forward to meeting you" Said the figure as it roared with evil in it.


Danny was taking a nice long nap on top of one of the skyscrapers in Academy City. After defeating the AIM Burst, Danny decide that it was time to take a break from all the fighting.

"I was wondering how long it would took until you found me." Said Danny without opening his eyes. Because the person he was talking to and was in front of him was Mikoto Misaka.

"Sorry, but it is hard to find a giant lizard walking on the streets you know?"said Mikoto.

"Yeah sorry about that." Said Danny as he opened his eyes.

"Its alright. I thought by finding you, you would at least ell me your story and how you go into that giant Lizard." Said Mikoto.

"Okay one, that 'giant lizard' is called Godzilla, the King of Monsters. Two, I had these powers when I was just a kid." Said Danny.

"Oh. sorry. Can you at least tell me from the beginning?" asked Mikoto.

"Well, since you ask, I can tell you all that I know about. First I will tell you about Godzilla history." Said Danny. "Long before the age of Dinosaurs, our planet was ten times more radioactive than it is today."

Mikoto Misaka is now being quiet as she listen to Danny Story.

"During that time, their were many different giant creatures or Kaijus, and they consume the radiation as a energy source."

"But sometimes the Kaijus would fight each other and the winner would get the food while the loser might either get to walk away or get killed."

"That is where Godzilla comes in. Godzilla's kind where the balance of nature just in case something went unbalanced in the Kaiju's ecosystem. You can say they are the alpha for all the Kaijus."

"But, whenever their is a balancer, their is always an unbalancer. Remember that giant Kaiju that sorta looks like a bug?" asked Danny

"Yeah. I remember that." Said Mikoto.

"Well, right after Godzilla's kind was created, 'they' were created as well to upset the balance of the ecosystem. They are called Mutos. The one you first encountered was a female Muto. You can tell the a Muto if its a male if a MUTO has wings on its back."

"Godzilla's kind was getting killed one after the other. Right before the radiation on the surface began to fade away, all the Kaijus had to travel deep within the earth to survive. Plus their was a huge meteor on the way that could erase all the radiation and any Kaiju left on the surface." 

"Godzilla father stayed on the surface to challenged a Mutos that was about to kill his son. At that same time, his son had to go to deep within the earth to live on. That was the last time Godzilla saw his father. It was unclear which side won but Godzilla dad and the Muto he was facing was destroyed when the meteor crashed into the earth."

"Since then, all the Kaijus went to a long hibernation near the core of the planet. And Godzilla grow during his deep slumber." Said Danny.

Mikoto was taking all of this into her brain. She never was taught that giant creatures existed before the time of dinosaurs.

"My story is a lot more shocking then what others might think. The truth is, I have been a orphan all my life." Said Danny. Mikoto gasped from hearing that.

"I remember very clearly. It was a nice day on the open sea. My parents and I where on a cruse boat. We were having fun and having a good time. But that all changed, a storm popped out of nowhere. Everyone was running and screaming. One of the lighting from the storm breached into the haul of the ship."

"My parents were trying to get me to one of the life boats. Right when I got on the life boat, a huge strong wing was coming at the boat with full force. I was the only one that got caught in the wind and was launched far away in the sea. When I was caught by the wind and was at a high altitude, I caught one last sight of the boat getting hit by a huge lighting bolt before disappearing forever."

"As the waves were caring me further in the sea, it was all I could do just to keep my head above the water. I was starting lose all hope. But then, the most amazing thing happened."

"What happened?" asked Mikoto.

"Godzilla happened. He rise up out of the water and had me in the palm of his right hand. Back then, I never knew a giant creature was real until I met him. And right after I said thank you to him, we were both surround by a huge golden light."

"That Golden Light fused us together to become strong together. Ever since then, Godzilla and I have been keeping the planet save from evil Kaijus that are awaking from the earth."

"Wow. That was amazing. I am sorry though for the loss of your parents." said Mikoto Misaka with tears in her eyes.

"Aw come Mikoto. Its alright, I moved on from that. I used that memory to push my self so no other life can be lost." Said Danny.

"Hey. You said that all the Kaijus had to go into hibernation close the Earths core to survive. Why are they waking up now?" asked Mikoto.

"Its the radiation. When they first built that nuclear bomb in WWII and still using similar nuclear as power plants today, that is a wake up call for all Kaijus out their." Said Danny.

Mikoto had her eyes wide open. She was just imaging just all the Kaijus that are waking up just because of the radiation that the Humans are making now.

"Just promise me that you will stop all the evil Kaijus Danny. Because I feel like I have to be your big sister to look after you." Said Mikoto.

"Hey don't worry. I promise, everything will be alright. I wouldn't let you down." Said Danny with a smile. Mikoto couldn't help but smile back too.


To Be continued.........

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