not an update (news!)

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hi everyone!

i'm surprised that this book has been getting somewhat decent recognition and i really wanna thank you all for it!

i came to announce something important! i've thought about this a long time ago and i know that it'll help me update consistently!

i'm going to stop updating this book HOWEVER, i'm going to start a new and short version. the same plot, same people, but just a lot shorter, more like my other books.

it'll get way more recognition and it'll give me motivation to finish the book!

from the very beginning, i've had the ending in my mind and it's honestly the best ending i've ever thought of and i'm very proud of it, however i have no patience to write filler chapters till the very end.

so i hope that you all can support my idea! i'm going to leave this book available here, so anyone can read it but i'm going to be updating the shorter version which i'm going to start very very soon.

i love you all and i hope that i haven't disappointed you guys too much 💞

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 19, 2017 ⏰

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