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Ralph Macchio

for: slutformacchio

rating: smut

rating: smut

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     Temptations of the flesh cause one to be weak. Dopamine and more chemicals help the release of lust.

     The difference between lust and love making- well love makings sticks to its name. Lust on the contraire follows the arousal of one's sex appeal.

Therefore the lust ran through y/n's blood stream. Seeing that man she's been romantically involved with for a while. The way his greasy hair flung around or stuck to his tan forehead due to sweat particles. How denim on denim didn't look badly on him.

Blue jeans, white shirt,
Walked into the room, you know you made my eyes burn.

     The dinging noise of the bell had brought y/n out of her daydream. The current scene was over and so his break had commence.

     Placing a hand over her exposed knee whilst her legs were crossed; sitting on the tall director's chair. A smile cracking, noticing her lover coming near her figure.

     "Nice seeing your presence in this rowdy studio." He begun cupping her dainty silky metacarpus into his hands. "I wouldn't miss this." She commented planting a kiss on his temple before getting down.

"Hey, Ralph. We're going to get some dinner, comin'?" Rob, the man in a gas station uniform and damp jet black hair asked. To y/n it reminded her of a wet rat, therefore she giggled softly as he rubbed the towel after washing it.

In trance the man in denim smiled before he felt his lover's hand snap his bottom. "We'll catch you later." Nodding the blue eyed mad nodded going to change. In the process the two lovers ran towards his trailer where the two embraced their passion and lust.

Their bodies were connected as they sat in the couch listening to the music she would often adore listen to. 'Música del año del caldo' as once her friend had stated.

With a bottle of coke in his right hand whilst he held her tight against his chest, rubbing her smooth tan skin.

'Usted es la culpable de todas mis angustias y todos mis quebrantos.'

(You are the reason of all my anguish and all my breakdowns)

Understanding, Ralph chuckled making her roll her eyes playfully while standing up to dance around the beautiful rhythm of the Spanish words. Watching his love; he ran his fingers through his thick hair bitting softly at his lower lip.

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