Chapter 17- Web of lies

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"She never looked nice; she looked like art,                                                                                                             And art wasn't supposed to look nice;                                                                                                                         It was supposed to make you feel something."                

Media class was boring and left me in a tired state of mind so naturally, I yawned as I walked out of room 15 but apparently I had yawned too early on. "Was the class so tedious that you almost fell asleep Miss?" Mr Ferguson asked, standing outside his door with his arms crossed and I scratched my neck. "It's Leah Anderson sir and no, I just-I got to sleep late, that's all" I lied and he glared at me slightly; unsure as to whether to let me go or not. We stood there for a while until I came to the conclusion that it was safe for me to walk away so I turned on the heel of my shoe and made for the exit. "Just a moment..." Mr Ferguson trailed off but I was already gone; knowing damn well that for other teachers, the excuse that you were late to lesson because another teacher was talking to you was just overused and much too unbelievable now. 

"Hello there" Sean said once he had synchronised with my steps and I glanced at him wearily and then the camera in his bag. "I have to get to lesson" I said, trying to zoom away (hehe, get it) but he held onto my arm and practically dragged me back. "Yes, I know. You have French now, we have French together" Sean continued and I felt my teeth sinking into my bottom lip as I began to slow down. "Well, we're going to be late" I said, avoiding any conversation and he blinked at me once or twice. "You know, I get the feeling that you don't want to talk to me anymore. Ever since that party, well, what happened?" He asked and I felt my throat going dry as we continued walking. "Nothing, I just. Nothing" I whispered and he seemed to be in deep conversation with himself, as if deciding on what to say. 

"So, what did you do on the weekend?" He asked and I scratched my neck, "well I just sorta went on a date, I guess" I muttered, trying to send him a message. "With Theo?" Sean questioned and I frowned, "what?" I asked and he adjusted his glasses slightly. "I mean, you told me at the party that you were dating Theo so who else would you have gone on a date with?" He stated accusingly and I racked my head for a reply, just a reply, any reply. "Yes" I said and I had to mentally face palm myself for that one. "Yes?" He repeated and I cleared my throat like the idiot I was. 

"What's all the interest in my love life? What's going on with you?" I asked in a quick attempt to change the subject as soon as possible; I knew it wasn't wise to get caught up in your own web of lies even though that was what I was doing. "My love life? Well let's just say I've got my eyes on someone" he scoffed and I could see the door for the French classroom now and it wasn't too far. "Just your eyes?" I questioned and I heard myself wincing instantly. "What's that supposed to mean?" Sean asked and I sped up my walking just a teeny bit. "I'm just tired, I don't know what I'm talking about" I said quickly before slipping into the classroom and receiving daggers boring into the back of my head as I took my seat. 

After French had finished, I intended to stay as far away from Sean as possible so I walked out of the classroom first and practically ran to meet my friends outside but I knew he was behind me, trying to catch up; trying to catch me. "Whoa, what's the rush?" Someone asked and I shook my head, searching for Sean but I couldn't see him because my view was blocked by a group of people who I, unfortunately, recognised. "So, miss big mouth, where are those boy-friends of yours that you were so quick to brag about?" Asked the main boy from that morning and I swear I could've punched him right there and then. 

"You alright?" Another boy asked, his hand on my shoulder and I jumped unintentionally; turning to face a stern looking Jackson. "Yeah, I'm fine" I said and the other boys looked from Jackson to me and then back to Jackson again. "Do we have a problem?" Jackson asked the main boy who stood before me and he pressed his lips together with obviously not much to say and I couldn't help grinning at him as he shook his head. "Good. Now I think it's time for you to scram" he instructed and the group parted hesitantly and as they left; I hoped that was the last I'd see of any of them. 

"You didn't have to come to my rescue like that" I said harshly and he sniffed. "I don't know, I kinda like being the superhero," Jackson said and before I could comment on anything he opened his mouth again, "and on the subject of the autumn dance" he paused for me to frown. "We weren't talking about the autumn dance" I corrected and he shifted his weight from foot to foot as I tried to find my usual group of boys. "Well, we're talking about it now. Are you-are you still going with me?" He asked, scratching his neck in a way that was so adorable that I didn't want to admit it. 

"Well, do you have a girlfriend?" I asked back and Jackson dropped his hand, "no I do not" he answered and as I located my friends, I turned to face him, intending to finish the conversation by now. "Then yes, I am going to the autumn dance with you" I said and he smiled quickly. "Good-good, I just-I, uh, I wanted to, you know, make it official" Jackson felt as though he should explain and I stared at him slightly. "Are you....nervous?" I asked with a stifled laugh and he blushed violently which immediately made me feel bad so I pinched his cheek lightly. "Well, the nervousness makes you cute" I commented and he smiled wider. 

"You're cute. I mean, you're always cute-I mean-not always" Jackson stammered and I raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm gonna go to my friends now" I said, pointing my thumb back at them and Jackson smiled again. "Yeah, I have to find my dignity. I think I dropped it back here somewhere" he said, turning on the step and I smiled as I joined my group; throwing him one last glance. 

"And why were you talking to the douche bag?" Theo asked; interrupting their conversations and they all turned to face me, throwing me too much unwanted attention. "And why do you care so much about me?" I questioned back and he rolled his eyes at me dramatically. "I don't care. I care about the douche bag" Theo stated and I scoffed. "Sorry Theo, I don't think he's gay" I said and he rubbed his forehead as if he were stressed and although his lips weren't smiling, his eyes were. "It's called bromance" Theo argued and as the rest of the boys broke out into conversation again I smiled. "No, that's incest, silly" I pestered and he didn't say anything for a while. He just stared and it made me feel self conscious. 

"What?" I asked, turning my head to the side to look at him but he snapped his gaze away almost instantly. "What?" He asked back and I shook my head as I rolled my eyes. Weirdo. 


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