Chapter 3- The dead and the dying

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"People come and go, that's life."

"You kids," Miss Pertil said, keeping her attention on me only and stepping closer to me. "You're dodgy kids and I'm going to get the the bottom of this even if it kills me-" She stopped briefly to hear Mason mutter under his breath.

"We can only wish so many times" he couldn't help himself, he really couldn't.

"Get out of my office right now!" She roared and Mason stepped away, just past the boarder with his arms crossed over his chest. "There" he said, looking down at his feet and I saw Kyle smirk from the corner of my eye.

"You!" Miss Pertil raised a wrinkly finger to my face. "Stay here and you!" She turned to Kyle, "get in here right now and if either one of you dares to touch my windows again, there'll be dire consequences!" She was practically fuming now.

"I try to be nice, I try to help people out with their frustratingly depressing auras but nooooo, no thank you for me just dire-" he mumbled as he walked around he building to get inside.

I looked up to meet Miss Pertils eyes and she scowled at me. "You are not going to get familiar with this crowd Selena" she huffed and Mason laughed from his place 'outside' the classroom.

"With all due respect Miss Pertil, you can't choose my friends for me" I knew that technically Kyle and Theo weren't my friends but I rubbed the salt in the wound to annoy the head teacher further. Kyle stepped past Mason into the room and Mason glowered at Miss Pertil who shut the door on him.

"I understand Leah has gotten quite friendly, shall I say? With your group of irritating friends. Just because she has a perfect record and you've managed to lure her in, does not mean I'll take punishments lightly on all of you now tell me where Theo is" she snapped and Kyle sighed, looking resentfully at the headteacher. "He's at home" he answered clearly without hesitation.

"I know damn well he's not" her voice seemed to be getting higher and a bead of sweat ran down her forward. "If you know so much about his whereabouts Miss Pertil, then maybe you should've just found him yourself, at home where he is right now, and saved us all this hassle" Kyle replied without a pause. It was weird, how he always had something to say.

The confidence of him seemed to have passed onto me because as her beady eyes shifted to me, she raised her eyebrows, pleasingly almost. "Tell me where he is" she ordered and I raised an eyebrow, "where who is?" I asked; Kyles confidence along with Miss's vulnerability made me ditch my squeaky quiet façade. "I know you know who I am talking about young lady" she continued, her eyes studying my own as if to find a fault in my words. "I mean someone comes to mind but I don't think you'd be too pleased to know who" I admitted, leaning back in my chair.

"Who?" She asked immediately and Kyles face fell into his hands. "Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya De La Rosa Ramírez" I replied, keeping the accent thick and I swear in that moment; that moment when Mason burst out laughing, she looked like there was nothing more she'd love to do that to punch me in the nose. But all wants aside, she was a teacher and it was professionally wrong for her to lay a finger on me.

"Enough! Get out right now! Both of you!" She screeched and I stood up, relieved as I made my way toward the door but not before she had the time to throw some more words my way. "Stay away from those boys Selena Anderson." I rolled my eyes at her comment and me, Kyle and Mason walked out of the building as if we'd just committed the greatest heist of 2017. "That was so fun!" I exclaimed, driven by nothing more than adrenaline.

"You reek of confidence right now, you know?" Mason added as he came to walk alongside me and I grinned widely, I hadn't spoke to him this much in forever and I missed having someone to talk to. "Whatever we did back there, sneaking around and stuff, it just made me feel so alive, you know?" I sighed tranquilly and Kyle scoffed, making me scowl in his direction.

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