Chapter 15- Juice boy

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"You came at just the right time."

I slipped into the first place I saw and once I took a seat at the counter I came to realise it was the disgusting juice place I'd only visited once in my lifetime and I was not planning on another visit but there was not another soul present in the shop and the male behind the counter rested his arms on the countertop; blinking at me.

"Uh, I'll have some Blackcurrant juice please" I said timidly and he ruffled his brown hair and set his jaw; not even the least bit weirded out that I was watching his every action and he slid the glass over to me so I took a sip of the poorly concentrated drink that might as well just be a glass of water. "You look troubled" he said, smiling his dimpled smile and I pressed my lips together. "That makes me feel so much better Kevin" I said; reading his name of the tag he wore.

"You kinda done with life?" He asked and I glanced at him. "Do you really care? Or are you just doing this so that I stay for longer and drink more" I said, downing the glass anyway and he refilled me instantly. "Bit of both actually" he answered and I sniffed. "Well then, I'm actually kinda done with boys" I replied and he smiled again, leaning forward.

"Even gay ones?" Kevin questioned and my jaw dropped slightly. "No way" I exclaimed and he laughed. "Way way" he continued and I relaxed a little; knowing he was interested in the opposite gender and that he wasn't just trying to get my number. "Wanna tell me your problems now?" Kevin asked and I took a swig of the bland drink before speaking.

"I'm just trying to escape my life at the moment, I don't like having friends even though I was sure I'd love it. They're just trusting me too much and I can't keep all these secrets. I mean, get this, Theo's girlfriend was in love with Mason the entire time. Who does that?" I blurted and he raised an eyebrow. "Ooo, gossip" Kevin said; inching closer and I smiled; a proper smile, realising only now that the cushion was still in my hand.

"And this guy who I was sure hated me basically just took me out on a date but I'm not calling it a date because I've never been on a date" I rambled and he placed his face in his hands. "You're not the only one sister" he said and I raised an eyebrow; coming to realise I'd been speaking about me for too long now. "Oh really?" I teased and he sighed, "I think everyone just assumes straight. I mean, do I look straight?" Kevin asked, stepping back and I almost chocked on my drink as I realised his rippling muscles.

"You do" I answered and he frowned, "no offence but I'm highly offended right now" he stated rather ironically and I laughed. "It's nice that I don't know you. A bit like an agony aunt" I said and he smiled to himself, "that's exactly the task a gay guy would take up" he commented and I nodded. "Eh Kevin, how old are you?" I asked and his face darkened considerably, "three hundred and sixty eight, why'd you ask?" He interrogated and I laughed.

"No seriously" I pressed and his shoulders rose, "seventeen and no, I'm not in school and yes, I am going to work here until the day I die because my mother owns the place and over her dead body am I allowed to leave. Moms" Kevin grumbled and I wanted to agree with him, I really did but I just kind of froze there; in the moment and I hoped he hadn't realised but who was I kidding.

"Oh. My. God. You don't have a mom do you? Oh shit. Oh gosh. I'm so sorry" he apologised and I shook my head, smiling already. "It's not your fault" I said and he looked at my sympathetically. "Can I get your name then?" He asked in a quick attempt to change the subject. "Leah" I said simply and he scrunched his nose up. "I had an aunt called Leah, when I came out, she told me I was a disgrace and I haven't seen her since" he revealed and I felt bad for having a name that brought back such memories. If Kevin's name was Caleb, I wouldn't still be talking to him.

"Unlike I'm going to get much action anyway, I mean, I'm the juice boy who looks too straight for his own good" he moaned and I snorted. "Maybe I should pretend to be lesbian so my brother lets me hang out with boys" I said and he fake-gasped. "But why would he do that?" He asked, stepping back and I laughed with a shrug. "He think I'm just gonna get hurt and he can't deal with that. I mean you, you're ideal for him, the gay best friend. It's actually pretty cliché!" I exclaimed; my own dreams coming to sight.

Kevin fake-snored, "I mean don't get me wrong, cliché's are okay but they're just soooo looong and boring and the same old ending" he groaned and I frowned. "I am really offended" I said and he beamed at me, "I'm sorry your highness, I'll try better to spare your feelings next time" Kevin said and I nodded at him. "That's more like it" I approved and he laughed.

"No but seriously, life's not a fairytale Leah; don't go chasing something that's not there and forget about the people you left behind" Kevin said and they were wise words, words I was scared as heck to hear. "You're really good at making people see the bigger picture" I said as my way of thanking once I'd finished my seventh glass and I pushed it aside, lifting myself off the chair.

"The gay guys always are" he said and I smiled as I walked out the door but then instantly turned to go back in. "Do you work here everyday?" I asked and he nodded, "till that day you die?" I continued and he signalled a gun with his hands to his temple and I laughed out loud, "well get ready for some company."

YAYYYY UPDATE. Meanwhile I'm  metaphorically dying rn. REMEMBER TO ❣️ vote ❣️ comment ❣️

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