Chapter 11-Struck a nerve

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"You must want to spend the rest of your life with yourself first."

"Guys," Sean said enthusiastically from behind us and I winced and Theo noticed. Like the good pretend boyfriend he was he grabbed my hand and smiled shortly. "Are you leaving so soon?" He asked, his eyes still glued to my hand and I nodded gracefully. "Thanks for the invite though" I smiled sweetly before getting dragged the hell out of there.

It was reasonably chilly outside and I shivered as he took Masons keys out of his own pocket; I didn't think to question it, after all, we were getting out of there and the sooner the better. "Get in then" Theo ordered and I hopped into the passenger seat as he hopped into his own. "What about the boys?" I asked and Theo grinned widely. "What about them?" He asked back and something told me, it wasn't the first time he'd driven away in one of their cars without permission.

"You wanna go home or?" He questioned and I rubbed my forearm. "Not really" I admitted and his eyes lit up almost immediately, "good because I know a place," he said and the car sped up. "Plus it's on the bucket list" he added when he knew I were about to insist on going home. The car was going so fast now, I knew we'd get pulled over if there were police or even other people on this road but it was stranded; empty and odd.

"Are you sure you're not trying to kidnap me or anything?" I asked humorously and his grin widened. "I guess you'll never know" he stated and I glared over at him. "Theo!" I yelled and he laughed. "If I wanted to kidnap you, I would've sedated you by now," he explained and then he pointed at a bottle in the cup holders. "So drink up" he said and I frowned but he started laughing again. "Joking" he said and I grumbled as I crossed my arms over my chest although, I had to admit, he'd make the worst kidnapper ever.

"Here" Theo said as the car came to a halt and I almost went flying out of my seat. Wear your seat-belt kids. "You don't say" I muttered whilst rubbing my elbow and he wasted no time in rolling out of his door and opening mine for me but the cold air hit me again and I cowered away. Still, I was dragged out of the car by my hands and I walked with him up some hill; some long tiring hill. Once we had reached the top, he let go of me and plopped down beside me.

"What's this?"I asked and he breathed; call me crazy but it seemed darker here, clearer. "Isn't it beautiful?" He asked right back ignoring my question completely and I sat down crossed legged in the space where I stood moments before and he continued to look on; stare at the sky like it was everything. "Yeah" I whispered, following his gaze and letting my eyes rest on the clouds which burned up with colour as the sun set behind them. Beautiful was an understatement.

"It used to be my favourite place" Theo admitted and I raised an eyebrow at his honesty; my eyes still glued to the sun setting; wanting to soak up all its comfort and warm embrace. "used to?" I questioned; confused as to why anyone would disown this place. "I brought Jesse here once" he spoke softly and I faced him this time but he wasn't looking at me anyway. "I'm sorry" I muttered; afraid I was intruding on this moment. "It's not her, it's Jessie, you know, the ex. I used to bring her here all the time, it used to be our place and when I realised Jesse wrote it on her bucket list, I wanted to go alone but, it's nicer with you" he explained and I thought it were odd how similar their names were but how differently he spoke them.

"Can I ask you how-" I got cut off half-way through my sentence by his abrupt speech. "Do you really wanna know Leah?" Theo asked and I shrugged. "Well, yeah" I answered truthfully and I knew that wasn't the answer he was looking for; I knew he wanted me to just drop it already but no could do. It seemed interesting to know why exactly he and his ex split up.

"I liked her, I liked her ever since I laid eyes on her. She was so perfect, so graceful. Everything she did seemed to be a work of art and I quickly found myself falling in love with her. Much too quickly. But she didn't want me; nor did she love me," I found myself wondering what kind of girl would throw something like that away? Pretty sure most boys see me as a walking-talking-functioning potato but as Theo was saying.

"I knew all of it before we started dating, I knew she was using me to get over him and I let her because he'd found someone new and I thought maybe she'd start liking me as she did him. And I wanted to be naive to the fact that she still loved him but damn it Leah, every time I glanced her way in class she'd be staring at him; staring at him like I'd stare at her. She wanted him because he was better. She loved him because he was everything I wasn't" Theo spat and I watched him narrate his story. "Theo that's not true" I blurted out; wanting to ease his pain. 

He turned to face me now; his mossy green eyes cloudy and troubled now and I stared right back at them. "He was Mason. She was in love with Mason" Theo said quietly and I opened my mouth but words were unable to come out. "I-I-Y" I stuttered and he shook his head. "You're what? Sorry? He's my best friend Leah, I couldn't take my anger out on him so I split up with her; I told her everything she did; she fell off the radar and we never spoke again and then I punched the living daylights out of anyone who even remotely pissed me off for about a solid week. And as bad as it sounds, I pictured Mason. He fuelled my anger" he said and my hand fell on top of his.

"You don't have to compete with your best friend" I whispered and he ran his tongue over his bottom lip. "Whatever," he muttered, swiping away his hand and standing up. "We should go" he said before walking away and not waiting for me. I must've struck a nerve.

Damn, that escalated. I have the worst cold ever right now but at least there's holidays from stupid school. THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT. ❣️ VOTE ❣️ COMMENT ❣️

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