Chapter 5- So....

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"I hope you find the happiness you've been pretending to have."

"You totally didn't kiss her like you're meant to" I confronted as we all sat around the table again with ten minutes of savoured lunch to go and Kyle picked at his baguette like a girl. Masons cheeks continued to redden in colour and he frowned, "I did" he argued.

"His lips were on hers and she was trying to get past them but you could obviously see that he wasn't letting her for some reason" I went into detail; talking to Theo and Kyle now who grinned at the scarlet colour which had taken over Masons face, causing him to hide behind it.

"That's totally not how you're supposed to kiss a girl" Theo said, stuffing a piece of broken chocolate cookie in his mouth. "Well then, if you're so good at it, why don't you just give us a quick demonstration!?" Mason yelled; finally cracking and Theo raised his hands, smirking.

"Don't have to ask me twice" he said smugly and I chewed my stir fry noodles slower, please don't let me be the test dummy. Please don't. "Since Leah is the only girl around who wouldn't faint at the sight of you, I think she should step right up" Kyle insisted for me, taking a piece of chicken he'd taken from the bread and stuffing it into his mouth. I glared at him. Choke please. Thank you.

"Come on then" Theo outstretched a hand and I scowled as I took it, making sure to show my discomfort to the entire situation. "Fine" I grumbled and I felt Masons eyes glued to me. And then Kyles. And then a couple other people who had come to watch.

"First, you get her ready" he spoke softly; quietly, almost as if he were only talking to me. Theo raised his right hand to my chin, pushing my face up to meet his stare, his thumb briskly brushed over my bottom lip and I shivered. A strand of hair fell out from behind my ear and he smiled, his dimples evident and being this close to him, I suddenly saw why girls fell head over heels for Mr Collin right here.

He was quick to tuck it in back behind my ear and his palm fell softly on my cheek, never breaking eye contact all the while, his lips mere inches from mine and as he brought himself closer and closer and closer, I jerked unknowingly.

"What's wrong?" He cooed, his face centimetres from mine, "you scared?" He mocked softly and he smirked his smirk.

Pssssssht. No. It's unlike I'd never kissed anyone or anything. That totally wasn't why I jerked away. Totally. Notice the sarcasm.

But like I was going to let him know that. I pushed his arm and his hand went down with it although the kept his face dangerously close. "You think you're so smooth, don't you?" I rhetorically asked but he answered anyway. "I don't like to brag."

I opened my mouth, another witty comment just clawing to get out but the bell rang and I jumped once more much to Theos delight. I turned back to the table that was once occupied by two boys but an entire crowd was surrounding us. And I mean the whole school give or take a couple few. Some held cameras and I immediately hid my face behind my hands.

"Alright," Theo laughed, pushing some guy with a phone out of his way, "put the phones down! You've had your fun!" He yelled and just like magic, all the raised devices slowly fell one by one.

If Jonah ever saw that video anywhere, Theo would be worse than 6 feet under.

"So....Theo, huh?" That was my greeting from every single bit of girl in my last period which happened to be Science. I would mumble a short and snappy 'no' back before carrying on with my work.

"So" said the fourteenth person this afternoon and I growled as I turned to a boy I hadn't seen before ever. "No, I am not dating Theo Collin, I have no history with Theo Collin and there was no way on Earth I would've let him kiss me. My god" I groaned and the boy raked a hand through his brown hair, strands still poking out and he smiled. A pearly white teeth smile.

"That's nice to know. I'm Jackson Williams, I'm new here and Miss told me to join you cause you were working alone, I guess" he explained briefly and my brown eyes studied his amber ones. Well, this was awkward. "Oh" I breathed, flushing a deep red colour and I reminded myself of Mason.

Jackson seemed to find it amusing and he cupped his hands in his cheeks "so, who's Theo Collin?" He asked and I glanced at him. "A boy" I replied glumly. "A boy...friend?" He continued. "A boy who is a friend" I corrected and he raised an eyebrow.

"So, you're single?" He asked and it dawned on me that the new guy who was pretty much one of the best looking in the school given his contestants was making a move on me. "Why? You gonna make a move?" I mocked gently and he crossed his arms over his chest, scoffing.

"No!" He said abruptly. "I mean, I don't know, maybe" he scratched his neck and I chewed my lip slowly. "Well, Jackson Williams, if the autumn dance comes along and you don't have a date which I doubt, I'll willingly go with you, you won't even have to force me or anything" I said in an enthusiastic voice and he shook my hand with a glint in his eye.

I could see the girls behind us already drooling over him. Paha. At least I was safe. There was no way he was going to keep them away from him. But something about the way he was looking at me told he he'd find a way.

One thing was for sure, if I went to the autumn dance with Jackson Williams, the new fresh heart throb, I wasn't exactly sure that any one of the boys in my life would be too impressed.

This was so short but I love you all, thanks for the support. Also I hate school so much it hurts but who do you ship? Let me know.

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