#25 죄송합니다

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Nobody's POV
"APPA" Jennie's squeals filled the empty halls of her house as she sat with tear stained cheeks while shaking her Appa
"OPPA! TAE OPPA CALL AN AMBULANCE NOW!" She screamed and Tae panicked half running half jumping down the stairs while typing the numbers in. He finally reached the kitchen as the operator answers.
O ~ "Hello How may I help you?"
T ~ "I need an ambulance to Spring day lane WS 1995 house 21 please"
O ~ "Okay one will be with you in 15 minutes. Please can you inform me of your situation sir?"
T ~ "My girlfriends Appa overdosed on some sort of pill"
O ~ "What state is he in? Could you try and find out what pills please? The name should be located on the bottle"
T ~ "He is passed out in the kitchen and their isn't a label on the bottle"
O ~ "I will send the police over as well to have the pills checked out"
T ~ Thank you Bye"
Tae hung up and rushed to Jennie's side hugging her tightly. "They are on their way and the police are coming to check the pills out because the bottle isn't labelled okay?" He tries to comfort her but her tears continue you to fall and her body shaking uncontrollably.
"It's all my fault! If he dies ! Its my fault! I shouldn't have ran away I should have endured it! " She sobbed into Tae chest
"It's not your fault! He will pull through this and its not your fault" Tae pulls her closer in his embrace and guides her to the kitchen bar stool to wait for the paramedics.
The paramedics Came 5 minutes later and quickly took him away.
"Sir before you come to the hospital we suggest you calm your Fiancé down because it will take a while for him to wake up if he even does" one of the paramedics said before leaving
"Jennie let's go back to your dorm for a little bit and call your older sister" Tae suggests
"Oppa She is gong to hate me forever, She was always Appa's favourite" Jennie sniffles while locking up the house and climbing into Taehyung's car.
*At the Girls dorm*
"JENNIE WHAT HAPPENED?" Rosé shouted as soon as Jennie enters the dorm.
"WHO HURT YOU?" Jisoo yelled after
"WHO DO I NEED TO KILL?" Lisa yelled as Tae walks into the dorms with Jennie's stuff and puts it in her room.
"Nobody hurt me and you don't need to kill anyone." Jennie said and collapsed on the sofa with Tae
"Then what's the matter?" Rosé asked and pulled the others to the bean bags on the floor
"Appa is in hospital" Jennie sobbed into Tae's shirt while he held her tightly
"He will be okay the paramedics said he will wake up soon" He rubbed her back to calm her still violently shaking body
"What happened?" Jisoo frowned
"He overdosed on some pills we don't know what though. The police are over there now investigating." Tae frowned
"I will call Umji  and tell her what happened" Lisa frowns and grabs her phone walking into the kitchen.

L ~ Hai Umji  it's Lisa, Jennie's friend
U ~Hai Lisa Why are you calling?
L ~ I have some bad news about your Appa
U ~Oh no He hasn't gone into depression or self harmed because of eomma has he?
L ~ No He is in hospital due to overdosing on some sort of pill. We aren't aware of what pill it is but the police are looking into it!
U ~Is he okay?
L ~ We haven't been told anything yet but I have to get back to Jennie. Sorry Bai
U ~  Bai

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