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Tae PoV
I bury my face into the nape of her neck hoping not to wake her. You looks so peaceful sleeping. She didn't have to worry about her Appa or Jerks from school. How did I get so lucky. I slowly drift back off to sleep as I breath in her intoxicating scent.
*An hour and a bit later*
"Oppa wake up" I heard Jennie whisper in my ear and I let my eye lids open
"I don't wanna go to school! 5 more minutes" I pout and she lays back down.
"We are already 47 minutes late!" She giggled and goes to the bathroom to get ready. I use this time to doze back off but was soon awakened by Jennie jumping on the bed.
"I'm awake! I'm AWAKE" I yell and run to the bathroom in retreat
"Hurry up we need to go it is already Second lesson" Jennie yell through the door.
*In the car*
"What took you so long in the shower?" Jennie questions me and I grin goofily about what I was about to say
"It takes time to look this good"
"Whatever you say" She grins at me and we talk about random things for the rest of the journey. We finally pull into the schools car park and find gym class is about to start. We run to the changing rooms to change and find everyone was already changing.
"Where were you?!" Namjoon half shouts
"I was umm at a hotel" I stutter Namjoon can be quite scary when he wants to be
"Why?" Jin asks and this is when I knew I can never have a personal life or secrets
"Jennie moved out from her Appas  and was staying there for the night she was lonely so I um snuck out to see her" I smile sheepishly and continue changing.
"Taehyung you really love don't you" Kookie smiles at me while the others are just sending me weird looks
"You could have told us you were leaving or messaged" Suga frowns
"What is with you three did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"Jimin jokes about and then everything went back to normal. The boys teased me about my sleepover with Jennie the whole of gym which was trampolining. It was Jhopes turn and he was jumping as high as he could before he took his top off to reveal the same superman top from before and yelled "I AM SUPERMAN" and doing the classic flying action before landing flat on his stomach making us all gasp!
"Jhopie!" A few of the girls squeal which is shocking because until yesterday we were just the nerds that nobody reckognised other the Nerd 1 - 7 and it feels weird that we are actually kingkas because of the new transfer students who seem to be taking over the school.
All the girl apart from the queenkas are trying to see if he is okay but all the boys and 4 girls are laughing loudly. It crazy the teachers did storm in right then. What makes everything worse is when Jhope stood up and yelled
"Don't worry, I AM SUPERMAN AND I AM INVINCIBLE MY ONLY WEAKNESS IS KRYPTONITE" This then made this girl in our year ( Who is the biggest marvel whizz you will every meet like literally ) jumps on the trampoline in front. Of him and yells back "I GOT YOU'RE KRYPTONITE RIGHT HERE" and throws some green liquid over him.  The green was going to stain his top  really bad and no matter how many times we wash it the stain wodn't budge without A good fight. We are so lucky the teachers left us unsupervised. We all quickly got changed and headed to lunch.
*Time skip To the girls new from.
Jennie POV
We had just finished bringing in my things from my bedroom. We had quickly gone to my house and picked up my clothes, shoes, bedding and some of my favourite things like baby books, photo albums and books. We left pretty sharp because if appa saw all four of us in his house without permission we would be dead. Luckily he didn't come home and we escaped safely. The girls hadn,t unpacked much either so we all unpacked our things until there was a knock at the door.
"I will get it" Rose yelled an ran to the door. The four of us are curious bunch so we all ran to the door anyway and when it opened we were pleasantly surprised but the eight girls we saw standing there.
"Hai I'm YooA and we are your dorm neighbours  we just came to welcome you with muffins" The girl at the front beamed . We smiled and licked our lips before welcoming all 8 of them in and we huddled in the almost furniture-less room.

I am so sorry guys for not publishing yesterday! I was attending my cousins Baptism and didn't get home till
Late. I have also decided that I will only be posting once a week  because of homework. Sorry to disappoint. I will however update either Sunday or Wednesday depending on whether I  have time. Thanks you everyone for 1.5k and hope you Enjoyed

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