#2 The meeting on the roof

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Taehyung POV 

I enter the roof where Jennie is already waiting. I worry she might shout at me for coming 10 minutes after the bell. Is she still mad that I looked at her? She stood up and walked to the railings.

"Hey  Jennie"  I smile "Shut up nerd," She said trying to sound cool but it was clear she was only hurting.

"Okay sorry" I mutter

"I thought I told you not to look at me and yet at break you were staring at Mathew and me!" She said surprisingly calm

"I could n't help it. He slammed you into your locker and was going to kiss you just like every other new girl but-but this time he didn't go straight for it. He normally gets it easy because everyone loves a bad boy." I said sarcastically

"Bad boys are a turn on" she giggled

"How come you wouldn't give him your number then?"

"I'll ask the questions and I don't give my number to guys who pin me to lockers so they can use me!" She frowned

"Why did you kiss him then?" I question. This girl is muddling me up.

"Is Tae Tae jealous? I kissed him purely to put out his flame not because I like him nor did I enjoy it" she smiled again

"Ani Pabo! Girls are so confusing!"
I blush then look up at the sky and rested my arms on the railing that was around the edge of the roof to hide it.

"We all have reasons behind the way we act" she frowns again

Jennie POV 

I look at the ground and shuffle my feet.
"Why can't I look at you?" Tae asked

"Why would you want to?" I look up and grab my bag "I'll be the first to leave. If I'm any later I will get canned" I said and ran off the roof.

Tae POV 

I knew something was going on with that girl and I honestly felt sorry. If she was going to get canned for being an hour late home then what else happens behind the closed doors.

I walk to my locker where the Boys are waiting. "Come on we have practice!" Jungkook yells as he saw me stumble over.
We all walk towards the Minibus that would take us to the studio.
"Taehyung! We saw the new girl run down the stairs from the roof. She looked like she was scared. Were you up there with her?" Suga asked
"De I was but she umm just wanted help with homework" I lied and climbed onto the bus and sat at the back.

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