5# Blood ,Sweat and tears

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Jennie POV 

I keep wiping my tears as they roll down my cheeks. I am half an hour late to school and I look like I've been dragged through a bush backwards.

I finally made it to school and walk to my locker. I grabbed a pack of tissues and wiped my tear stained cheeks. I decided I was going to skip the first lesson and hang out on the roof.

Taehyung POV

Mathew and I had been sat in the office for half and hour. The principal shouted at us and threatened to expel us if it happened again.
When he had beckoned Mathew to leave he spoke to me individually and explained how disappointed he was in me. We both had a detention after school and I was pretty bummed about it. I was excused from the office with 10 minutes left of the lesson.

As I was walking to class I saw Jennie walking up the stairs to the roof.
"Jennie" I yell and she froze on the spot not turning around. "Shouldn't you be in a lesson?"

"I should but I only just arrived at school so I decided to skip first. Shouldn't you be in class?"  She answers but didn't turn around.

I walk up the steps until I am standing next to her.

"I got in a one-way fight and  I was in the principal's office all morning" I sigh and follow her to the roof. He sat on a bench but not once did she look at me

"How did you get in a fight?" She asked looking the other way.

"I just punched Mathew and split his lip nothing that bad" I smile
And she giggles and looks my way. I notice a bruise on her cheek and gasp

"What happened to your cheek?"  I ask worried

"I fell!" she said and was clearly lying. I moved closer and whispered in her ear "You can tell me I won't judge"

"Nothing happened  I just fell" she yelled tears roll down her cheek I hug her and surprisingly she doesn't push me away.  
"Tell me what really happened " I felt sorry for her you could see in her eyes that she was scared.
"Appa hit me" she sobbed on my shoulder. I hugged her tighter and comforted her. "It's okay your safe with me"

After a couple minutes, she had calmed down. "Thank you Oppa" she smiled slightly.

I was about to tell her it was okay when Mr Kim enters the roof and saw us.
"What are you to doing here? Detention both of you after school! Get to class now!" He yells and Jennie and I  hurry off the roof and head to Mrs Jeon's class.

We knock on the door and apologise for being late. All the teachers knew that I was at the principal's office so I got to sit but poor Jennie was late.

"Where have you been Jennie?" Mrs Jeon asked nowhere near as soft as she had the day before.
"Sorry  I...I missed the bus" she frowned and Miss let her sit down. The classroom filled with discussions and rumours about the fight and Jennie's purple cheek.

I turn around and glare at Mathew whose lip was still bleeding. Beads of sweat roll off of his head. He was clearly embarrassed and probably scared of me too.

What an eventful morning Blood, Sweat and Tears. I focus back on my work while Jennie just sat staring at the board.

Jennie POV 

I told the nerd about Appa and hugged him. I even called him Oppa! Am I falling for the school's number one nerd. I sat at my desk next to Taehyung and barely focus on the lesson I'm sat in the classroom staring at the board.

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