•The Train Tracks• Gene X Reader X Zane pt2

Start from the beginning

'I'll be there in a couple of minutes ^^'

The small emoticon made my insides twist in turn with giddiness, he was not one to use them; it wasn't rare, but not common either. But when he does it makes my heart flutter you can say.

The situation hits me in the face, as if I jumped off the imaginary platform and onto the tracks, and a train slamming into me at an amazing speed. He was going to be here in a few minutes, and I was a complete mess. I run to the bathroom with haste, luckily I took a shower the day prior I just need a *new outfit.

My body seemed to be moving faster than my mind, like a train moving faster than time itself.

As if time managed to pull the train back under its thumb, I heard the sound of my doorbell blare throughout my home. I mentally screamed at the noise, not expecting him to be here that fast.

I rush down my stairs, almost falling like as if my feet got stuck on train tracks. I recompose myself just before I open the door, being greeted by my friend. His Icy blue eyes gaze up at me, his midnight hair covering his right eye as always, I don't mind it but I wish be wouldn't, but he's self-conscious, which I understand.

"Hey, Zane!" I say glomping him; felling him blush as his face burns cherry red.

"H-hey..." he stutters. Even though Zane and I have been friends for some time, he still gets embarrassed; which is another thing I find adorable about him.

"Come in!" I say, stepping aside to let the ravenette enter. 

"I was...thinking we could...hang out here today...." he spoke shyly, rubbing his clothed arm like looking down at his feet. "Of course! as long as it's with you!" I instantly comprehend what I said and blush like a mad woman. I notice a visible and very bright blush on the boy's freckled features.

"A-anyways, I was thinking we could watch a movie?" I ask, still flustered.

"Y-yeah sounds g-good" he stutters with his head down.

I sit on the couch and take the g/c controller off the coffee table and turn on Netflix since it's the only place with good movies.

I decided to put on f/m, it was something me and Zane had in common which was great since I watch almost every week.

About half-way through the movie, my eyes started to heave with drowsiness. I lean my head onto his shoulder and desperately try to keep my eyes open, but this monster that is sleep pulls me into its grasp; not planning to let go. The television soon becomes a blur, and all I hear is white noise before darkness consumes me.

My eyes flutter open, the brilliant ray of tangerine shining onto my prior sleeping face. My e/c eyes lazily scan my surroundings, I find myself in my bedroom. Confused, I get out of my comfortable state and walk downstairs, as I was walking down I notice I was in my clothes from the day prior, more thoughts fly through my head as I make my way down.

As my feet touch the cold floor at the bottom of the stairs I see the sleeping (and quite cute) face of my friend on my couch. Smiling to myself I pass him and head into the washroom to wash up.

After doing what I intended I walk into the kitchen and get some things out of the fridge and pantry to make breakfast. Since I assume it was Zane who took me into my bedroom, why not make a glorious breakfast?

Cracking four eggs into a bowl and whisking them with a small amount of milk and pouring them into one of the pans, while placing some bacon in the other, along with popping some bread into the toaster. I could be called a multi-tasker, but I just like getting things done fast, and doing more things at once just helps with that.

I hear a groggy groan from behind me, along with a sigh. I turn around with a beaming smile looking at the ravenette with joy. 

"Morning~!" I cheer, turning back to the meal I was preparing. 

"Morning...what are you doing?" He questions, walking closer to me.

"I'm making us breakfast~," I say putting all of the food onto two plates.

"Oh...Thank you..." He says sheepishly, "No problem, now take a seat you're the guest of honor~" He looks over at me questioningly but I just send him a wink without an explanation.

I clear my throat and try my best at a sophisticated accent, "Your breakfast sir~" I say with a small bow. He gives a chuckle and says "Why thank you~"  "You're very welcome~" I then place down my own plate; taking a seat across from him.

We eat breakfast and continue to talk and occasionally tease each other, like the time when Zane got a my little horsie prize at the fair, he was trying to hold in his fanboy so hard.

Or the time some kid pulled down my shorts...I was so embarrassed and furious, what parent lets their child do that?! nonetheless my panties were on display for everyone to see. But Zane gave me his sweatshirt, which gladly went down halfway down my thighs, being short does have some perks. 

"I was thinking we could go for a walk maybe?" Zane spoke, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Sounds fun, Oh! and the park has a trail we can walk through!" I was already beaming and we weren't even there yet.

I walk up to my bedroom and to my closet, I should look at least somewhat decent for today. 
I pick out a nice looking *outfit and change.

I look in the mirror and am somewhat okay with this outfit. 

I walk out of my room and back downstairs, and see the ravenette standing by the door. 

"....you....?" wait...huh? it's like...he's...glitching? "Zane? what's wrong?" "y/....okay?" w-what's happening?

Suddenly...everything goes black....

Yes I'm a bitch for this...but fuck it....this was getting too fucking long and I wanted to get this out...so.....yes...

* not this outfit...pick whatever you want for this one^^

* this one~!

* this one~!

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