Vylad X Reader A-Con!

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this is dedicated to KittyWritezStuffz

In This Fanfic Vylad doesn't live with Aph,Kate and KC

Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Last Name
N/N - Nickname [if one if not just use your name]

F/A/C - Favorite Anime Character

i just finished packing my stuff when the doorbell rang,wait i should explain.Today we're all going to A-Con! but since Ashlynn couldn't come she gave her ticket to Vylad so it's most likely that's him at the door. i walk downstairs with my suitcase behind me when i reach the door i turn the knob and open it, and i was right it was Vylad "hey Vylad!" i said smiling "hey are you ready?" "Yup i'm so excited i can't wait!" i then started to jump around squealing about how i wished F/A/C [*cough cough* Death The Kid *cough cough*] was real so he could sign my shirt "are you gonna squeal or are we gonna leave?" "*gasp* oh right let's go!!" i grabbed his hand and dragged him to the car and put my stuff in the back."so Vylad...since you were away did you meet any hot chicks?" i said jokingly "w-what w-why w-would y-y-you ask t-that?" "calm down,i'm just joking...but did you find me a boyfriend?" "i really hope you're still joking" "does it look like i'm joking?" i then put on a really goofy face,he turned and looked at me and sighed "Really N/N?" "lighten up Vylad you need to have fun" i said lightly punching him in the shoulder "okay fine i'll be more 'fun'" "great now if you don't mind i'm going to bed" i reclined the chair back and put my feet up and fell asleep.

-----Vylad's POV-----

"Great now if you don't mind i'm going to bed" she said reclining the chair,soon i heard light snores coming from her. i like Y/N but she probably doesn't like me back i mean she asked if i found her a boyfriend *sigh* i wish i could tell her.i turn my head and look at her. her H/L H/C covering her face and E/C. I'll tell her when we get there that's a promise.

-----Y/N's POV-----

"N/N wake up!" I heard someone say "but Mr.Burger let me eat you first" I said still asleep "look there's F/A/C!" They shout,immediately shot up and looked around frantically "where,where is he?" "He's not real" wait I know that voice.oh right we were on our way to A-Con "Really Vylad...you can't prank me like that...my Senpai" I say dramatically looking out the window "whatever,we're gonna be late if we don't get inside" I gasped and shot up making Vylad and I's head collide "what the hell?!" I yell as I groan in pain "it was your fault" "you know what let's just get going" i said getting out of the car,i went to the trunk and got my bag then started walking to the hotel.

When i walked into the hotel i saw Aph and everyone else already there "hey guys!" "huh? oh hey Y/N!" Aph said waving,i was about to say something when Vylad came through the door "oh hey Vylad!" Aphmau said giving him a side hug but i don't care psh.
Okay i do care i kinda have a crush on him...but he doesn't like me like that he's my friend..at least I think...."Hey N/N you okay?" Vylad said with a concerned look "huh? Oh yeah I'm fine...just thinking" "if you say so" he said walking off to talk to Garroth and Laurance.
"Guy's come on we're going to the rooms" said Aphmau, we all walked to the elevator and went up to our floor.

We were walking towards our rooms and my mind was filled with thoughts,of what you ask? Vylad. I couldn't shake the thought of him liking Aphmau.but in my mind I know they're just frien--wait why am i thinking this? i know he doesn't like me back.
As i was thinking i heard someone calling my name "Y/N!" i snapped my head up looking at who was yelling my name,it was Travis. one of my best friends since high school "what?!" i asked/yelled "i was telling you we were at the room but you were just staring off at space,you had me worried" "oh...sorry Trav" i said sheepishly "it's okay,now let's get ready to go to A-Con!" he exclaimed making me giggle "well then what are we waiting for,let's get changed and go!" i yelled going into my room and into the bathroom.

Since this is A-Con i decided to go as Lucy Heartfilia from FairyTail, so i was wearing a Blue,White and Gold crop top a Blue and Gold vest and some Blue,White and Gold sleeve things then i was wearing a short Black skirt with a white belt some black thigh high stockings and brown boots and i curled/Straitened my H/C hair. [if you have short hair just leave it down kay?] when i was finished Aphmau said that the boys were coming so we could leave,as i waited for the boys to come i went on Wattpad and read some of my favorite F/A/C X Reader.

Whilst i was reading i heard the door open,I looked up and saw the boys talking to Aphmau so i got up and stood next to her "are you guys ready?" i asked,when i looked at the boys i saw all of them blushing "*ahem* my eyes are up here" i said teasingly making them blush more "how about we go?" Aphmau said "Yass!!" i then ran out of the door until someone grabbed my wrist.
I looked and saw it was Vylad "you aren't really forgetting i drove you here are you?" he asked,i sweatdropped."hehe i guess i did" "well then,shall we?" he said holding out his hand,i grabbed his hand and said "we shall" i said taking his hand.

We finally arrived at the actual convention,i stepped out the car and took it all in. looking at all the people in their costumes and make up it was wonderful!.I snapped out of my thoughts and ran inside gawking at the beautiful Anime things inside.
Then the whole day i was running around the whole place buying things like plushies,shirts and much much more.

When i was finished buying a(n) F/A/C Plushie i decided to text Vylad and tell him i was gonna walk back to the hotel since it was only like 2 blocks away and plus me and Katelyn made a bet, we both have these bracelets that show how many steps we take and whoever has the most wins and whoever loses has too buy the winner lunch/dinner.
i felt my phone buzz in my pocket,i took it out and it was Vylad he said we was on his way here
i sigh and wait.

After about 3 minutes Vylad is here and we start walking to the car "you know i could've walked" "and why would i let you do that?" "well i have to beat Katelyn" "why?" "'cause i don't wanna be buying her crap" i say thinking about if i would have to buy Katelyn dinner/lunch and knowing her she would probably pick the most expensive place in whole Ru'aun "*chuckle* whatever you say L/N,whatever you say" i then look and see we're at the car, i put all my stuff in the back and get in then we drive to the hotel.

We get to the hotel and i grab my stuff with help of Vylad and we go up to our room,once i get to my room we go inside and i set all my bags down on the floor. i sigh and face plant into the bed
"*chuckle* are you really that tired?" Vylad asks "hey! you try being with Travis! all day i mean i like him and all but he can be annoying as hell!" i state,i look at Vylad and see him with a hurt expression, i get up and go to him knowing this is the time. "look Vylad i don't like Travis,i mean i do but like a friend.....i like....you" i say shyly looking down,he then lifts my head "i like you too N/N" he then pressed his lips against mine,our lips moving in sync.we pull away and i give him a peck his cheek and take his hand "how about we watch a movie?" he asks "Whatever you want say Ro'meave,whatever you say" i recited his previous statement,then me and him watched F/M and half way through i laid my head on his shoulder and drifted off too sleep.

A/N hey guys! okay sorry for not updating but i have reasons,

1. the hotel i stayed at for my birthday had terrible Wifi and since i went over my limit[hehe] i couldn't update like i wanted.

2.my mom had surgery the day after we came back which was on the 28th so i have been taking care of her so i hope you understand.

okay back on track now this was requested my KittyWritezStuffz so go check her out and tell her Ash sent you! and i have a couple of things to say so let's get it started!
okay so i wanna make an Anime Character X Reader but i really don't know who so here is a list of Anime's i know

Soul Eater
The Seven Deadly Sins
I know it's not alot but i'm working on it Also i have two new books but you don't care so yeah

alright i think that's all actually um yeah Anyways Have A Great Day/NIght!
~Much L♥ve Ash

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