✧ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴅ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴄʜᴀɴᴄᴇ✧ ᴀᴀʀᴏɴ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ

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Y/n=Your Name

Since there were even votes I asked some friends IRL and they chose Aaron so yeah but I will post a Travis X Reader next also this one will have a lot of thoughts so get ready for that

-----Y/n's Pov-----

I was sitting in my house with my best friend Aaron watching randon movies that come on T.V. then Aaron's phone started to ring, when he got off the phone he said that Aph needed him he said our goodbyes then he left. Then I was alone in my house and I couldn't help but feel jealous I know him and Aph are dating but I can't help liking him but I would never do that to her so I just push those feelings away but every time he's here my feeling just grow more for him *sigh* he will never like me he has Aphmau and she's perfect. I decided to go to guys' house for some fresh air I went upstairs to my room to change into something better. I was almost to the guys' house when I saw Aaron storm out of Aphmau's house I was going to go see if he was okay but I decided not he probably needs space right now, I wanted to go check on him but I know he doesn't want to see anyone especially me I mean I'm a girl he was mad because of a girl ugh I want to go. no Y/n you can't just leave him be. I knocked on the guys' house and Travis answered the door "heeey Y/n~ looking nice today as always" he said making me slightly blush I mean I'm not use too people complimenting me "*giggle* thank you Travis" I said smiling we then let me in the house sat on the couch "where's every one else?" I ask "let me see, Laurance and Dante are at Ashlynn's (haha thats me!💜) to play some video games and Garroth is at Aphmau's" he said then I thought about it maybe that's why Aaron was mad but i doubt it Garroth is a good guy he wouldn't do that right? "Oh cool, so what do you wanna do?" "We could make out~" "*giggle* how about a movie?" " fine we we can do that too" he said getting up to pick a movie.

-----Aaron's Pov-----(Didn't expect that Huh)

I was so mad I couldn't believe she would do something like that, I stormed out of her house and out of the corner of my eye I saw Y/n walking to the guys' house I saw her knock at the door and the one person I wished wouldn't answer did.Travis, they were talking but I couldn't make it out then I heard the most beautiful sound ever, Y/n laugh I secretly like her but when I realized I like her that much I was with Aph and I couldn't brake up with her just because I love someone else but apparently she could. They then walked inside I couldn't help but feel jealous but I just countinued walking home.

-----Y/n Pov-----
Me and Travis already watched two movies during the first one Laurance and Dante came home from Ashlynn's house but they went into their rooms so it was me and Travis the whole time. After the second movie was done I told Travis I had to go and then we said our goodbyes and I left but I wasn't going home I was going to Aaron's, I got there and knocked on the door nobody answered I mean it is 9:30 he's probably asleep especially with what happened but something told me too knock again so I did this time the door opened and I saw Aaron with his hood off which is surprising "uh..hey I saw you earlier today so I uh..wanted to see what was up" I said looking down he sighed "sure come in" be then lead me to the couch "so what happen?" "Well you know I got a call from Aph right? When I went over there I saw her and Garroth..." And before he could finish I pulled him into a hug(did you think you were gonna kiss him?) "It's okay if Aph couldn't see how great you are then it's her loss" "you think I'm great?" "of course your smart,funny and don't forget you are quite good looking" I said wait did I just say that oh no he probably hates me now. But I got cut out of my thoughts by Aaron kissing me? I didn't know what to do but so I kissed back I could tell he was shocked that I kissed back but I didn't care

Fluff Warning

As we were kissing I could feel him asking for entrance and I playfully denied his request then we squeezed my butt which made me gasp the he explored every part of my mouth I couldn't help but let out a sigh. He stopped kissing me and went down to my neck but then we heard a knock at the door but we didn't care he stop kissing my neck and went back up to my lips making out some more then the door broke down and we turned around and saw a blushing Garroth and a sad looking Aphmau.
You had your chance

A/N hello everyone hope you like this one shot and the little Fluff in it anyways

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