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1k reads?! Shit mah bois, you're doing well. Thanks ^-^ <3

"Eren..." I sniff. My voice croaky. "I can't believe you'd do such a thing."

"I didn't do anything?"

"Yes you did, Eren! I saw you! YOU CHEATED!" Tears stream down my face and Eren looks genuinely stunned.

"N-no, Ar, I would never do such a thing."

"WELL I SAW YOU!" Eren sighs and looks down. "How could you? We've been here for ages. Just the two of us and you go ahead and cheat! Do you want it to end?"

"Well... maybe, Ar, maybe I do want it to end." My eyes widen.


"Because it's been going on for so long. I never liked it."

"Liked what?!"

"This! Ar, I want to end it!"

"Just because you cheated!"

"NO ARMIN!" I'm a little taken aback by his sudden outburst. "I didn't cheat! It's just..."

"Just what, Eren?"

He sighs. "I just think it's been going on for too long. I can't do it anymore."

I sigh, too. "Yeah, maybe you're right. Maybe it should end." Another sigh. "Just put it away." I wave my hand over what used to be so amazing.

"You have to help."

"Why? You're the one that cheated."

"How do you even cheat in Monopoly?!"


"For christ sake, Armin..."

HAHA LMAO YOU THOUGHT! Nah bruh, I would never brake your tiny little Polar Bear hearts ^-^

EreMin-I'm Bi, He's Gay, I'm Trans, He Doesn't Know || Depressing ||Where stories live. Discover now