I'm Scared

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Before I can reply to Mikasa, she slams open the doors to the cafeteria. Eren stands next to her and they both stare in shock. I push through to see everyone staring at us, muttering and whispering, pointing in my direction. I then spot Levi standing on a table with his hands on his hips and a smirk plastered on his face.

"Levi get down! How dare you share other students private life!" A teacher, Ms. Hanji, yells. My eyes widen and that's when I realise that he's told everyone.

"Fuck." I mutter and instantly sprint down the hall.

"Eren don't start a fight. Eren!" I hear Mikasa call from behind me.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I curse as I run outside with tears streaming down my face. I run down a path until I find the boys changing room and I run inside and curl into a ball on the other side of the room.

To think that I can't step foot in here anymore. Not even the girls changing rooms. Where am I going to go? Why can't they have a fucking bathroom for sexually and gender confused people?!  I thought that school was meant to be an accepting place. I thought it could be my escape.

My escape from home.

From the world.

But now it's fucked up.

"I thought Eren was your escape?" I whip my head up to see an unfamiliar person standing there. "Yes, you were speaking out loud, Armin. And I agree with you for the bathroom thing." The man sits next to me. "I'm Jean."

My eyes widen. "Jean?" He nods. "Y-you dated Eren?" He nods once again.

"He's a good guy. But he can lose his cool pretty easily." He leans his back against the wall and sighs. "You're lucky to have hi-"

"How did you know Eren was my escape?" I cut him off.

"Well I'm not sure. I always see you acting differently around him than when you're anywhere else."

"What do you mean 'differently'?"

"Happy. Smiling. Laughing." He lists. "The boy can work miracles. For me, he only got me to realise who I was then I went off and became that person. That's all our relationship was. But that's okay, none of us minded. Honestly, I was really confused when he started dating that Levi prick. But when I see him with you, I see someone different. He's actually a better person because of you, and I - everyone - can tell that he loves you very much, Armin, and he'd do anything for you." He smiles at me and I look at him with slight shock on my face. "You should go  see him."

With shock still written on my features, I wrap my arms around Jean's neck, taking him by surprise, but he eventually responds and wraps his arms around my torso. "Now go check if he's okay." He pulls away and wipes away my fallen tears.

"Thank you, Jean." He smiles warmly at me and I run off in the direction of the lunch hall, only to see Eren being dragged away by Mikasa.

"Armin!" Eren pulls himself out of Mikasa's grip and runs down the hall towards me, engulfing me in a hug. "Ar, I'm so so so sorry! About everything! About not stopping Levi! For getting you into this situation in the first place..." His voice goes quiet towards the end of his sentence. "I love you." He whispers.

"I love you, too." My voice is squeaky and croaky as tears spill again.

"Guys, I'm sorry to ruin the moment but I think we should get Armin to the doctors." Mikasa states, once again being the one to have the only sensible opinion.

I sniff. "She's right." My voice is barely above a whisper.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Eren whispers and I nod. "Alright." He kisses my cheek. "I respect your decision no matter what you do." He entwines his fingers with mine and begins to walk down the hall, Mikasa leading the way.


My breathing gets heavier as the seconds tick by. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. My head rests on Eren's shoulder and Mikasa strokes my back, both trying their hardest to calm me down.

I listen intently at the high heals clicking down the hallway once again. The nurse appears with a bright smile. "Armin?" I was quite surprised that she said my name because the past few times it's always been someone else.

My head shoots up off Eren's shoulder and Eren grabs my hand, the three of us silently follow the nurse. "Just through that door." She smiles, pointing to door number 237B. I walk in with shaky legs.

Inside, a kind looking woman stands there smiling with a clipboard in her hands. "You must be Armin?"

"Umm... No, I'm Mikasa. That's Armin." Mikasa points to me.

The lady's eyes widen. "Oh dear, I'm so sorry!" I shake my  head.

"It's fine, really."

"Alright well, would you like to begin?" I nod once again.

"U-umm, are they allowed to stay?" I ask, gesturing to Mikasa and Eren behind me.

The lady smiles once again. "That's if you're comfortable with it?" I nod, forcing a smile even though nothing in me feels like doing so. "Okay, Armin, please take a seat here." I trudge over to the hospital bed and lie back on it.

Eren makes his way over and sits on a chair next to the bed and holds my hand. Mikasa makes her way over but her phone starts vibrating in her pocket, emitting a sound throughout the room. She quickly checks the ID before kindly excusing herself.

"Are you alright with me taking this, Ar? It's kinda important." I smile and nod. "Okay, I'll be right back." She kisses my forehead before rushing out of the room. I take a deep breath.

"Alright, Armin. Are there any questions before starting this process?" I think and nod.

"D-does it hurt?" My voice comes out croaky and squeaky.

"No, darling. You may feel cramps a bit more often afterwards but I guess you may be used to it." I nod again.

"How long does it take?"

"About ten to fifteen minutes." I nod again. "Anything else, deer?" I shake my head. "Alright. Just take a deep breath." I do as told and close my eyes.

"I love you." Eren whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "You're so brave."

I'M AM SO SORRY IT'S BEEN AGES! Just school has hit me in the face pretty hard. Rumours and shit. Don't worry, it's holidays for the next two weeks so I'll be posting a bit more regularly and next term I'll be seeing my counsellor more often so I'll be in better 'condition' to write. Sorry for the long wait and thank you so much for being patient.


EreMin-I'm Bi, He's Gay, I'm Trans, He Doesn't Know || Depressing ||Where stories live. Discover now