Chapter 22 ("She" Who Creates "They" Who Watch over)

Start from the beginning

Weiz: "Luna... Kids are listening..."

Luna: "Ahaha~ Anyway, good bye for now."

Nepgear: "Take care Everyone."

Rom: "You too Miss Nepgear."

Ram: "Let's again sometime okay!"

Nepgear: "Of course."

Vert and Grun were talking with Uzume and Big Sis about what happened, as it turns out, anomalies started happening in other Dimensions as well, Zero Dimension started having distorted structures, some friendly monsters were becoming feral as well.

The Ultradimension were having some serious problems as well, Plutia and Peashy were having trouble fending off monsters that were rapidly spawning near their towns and even the Reformed Seven Sages were struggling to keep peace intact... That Dimension's Noire, Blanc and Vert were also having issues ranging from crops dying to terrifying glitches in their systems...

It's gotten Chaotic and it's only been 2 days ever since that battle... also, Sis hasn't woken up yet... she still drools and mumbles in her sleep, but she hasn't opened her eyes at all...


Neptunio's POV

The Void closed after some time passed, things were getting hectic, everyone was on edge... The dispatch team did their best to protect the populace and we Lords decided to stay and aid the CPUs...

Something was bothering me though

Even though the Cracker has accessed the Mother Dimension, and considering the amount of time that passed, he should have been able to siphon the power of creation, but all these signs of destruction and corruption in the world were the exact opposite...

Did he fail..?

If he truly wanted to only bring back his home, then this type of attack is not needed... he just needs to rebuild his world and that's it...

Or maybe... He gave the power to the Deity?

no, that makes no sense... if he did, then the deity would only use the energy from that power to bring more destruction...

Neptunio: "AHhhhhhh!!! It makes no sense!"

Genesis: <Quit your whining, someone wants to sleep here!>

Neptunio: "Sorry Genesis... It's just that everything is so confusing...."

Genesis: <Yeah like this story the author is making.>

Neptunio: "You know what, I think Neptune got that 4th wall breaking habit from you."

Genesis: <Whatever, just shut your trap.>

Neptunio: "Fine... I'm just worried you know..."

Genesis: <heh...You always are...>

Neptunio: "What do you think happened to Neptune, Genesis?"

Genesis: <Well... I guess she just lost too much of her shares from that OV unit...>

Neptunio: "But I'm glad she didn't turn dark... at least that tragedy didn't come to fruition..."

Genesis: <Ugh... Makes me want to hurl though after that... She just literally threw herself to save us... That's so not cool...>

Neptunio: "Hey, you should be proud she is our descendant you know..."

Genesis: <Proud? please... I'll be proud if she doesn't jump on a dangling cup of pudding...>

Neptunio: "Hey, who can blame her? Pudding's great!"

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