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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto nor its characters. 


Little four years old Sakura was an exceptional kid. She learned how to cook, albeit simple food, how to do half of the laundry, because her Mother insisted that she was too young, learned how to fold her clothes, clean the house, and many others. She was also a very curious child, and very peculiar. By the age of three, she has read more than she could've ever imagined, and mind you, she understood word for word.

In her large emerald eyes, the world was but a big chess board. The King was their Hokage, without him, the village would be lost and out of control. The Queen was the Council, willing to do anything to keep the village and its kage intact. And the pawns were the shinobi, willing to sacrifice their life for the sake of their King and village.

With her ever curious eyes, she read numerous novels and books, some more explicit than others. As she grew, she learned to wonder about nearly everything. Why was the sky blue? Why does the sun disappear? Why was her hair pink? Why was their village named Konohagakure? Why were there sectors around the village? What were the big giant walls around the village for?  What is chakra? What are orphans? Behind her bigger than average forehead was a brain full of questions.

But four years old Sakura was an intellect, so she wanted to become a ninja. As twisted as it may sound, she only wanted to become one for three reasons only: For her to protect her beloved village, for her to test her limits and to participate the never ending chess game. And like the child she was, she told her parents about her decision with determination written on her face.

Her small clan was a civilian clan, but they were able to produce shinobi whose names went down in history.

One of those shinobi was Haruno Amaya, a redhead who was obsessed with bombs. She was perfect for surprise attacks, especially those that occur at isolated areas. Another was Haruno Kenshi, another redhead whose specialty was taijutsu and genjutsu. And another name among others was Haruno Takao, a brilliant pink-haired strategist whose mentor was Nara Shikaku himself. Sadly, all of them died in battle.

Her parents were part of the civilian council. Her father, Haruno Kizashi, has dull pink hair and blue eyes. Her mother, Haruno Mebuki, has blonde hair and green eyes. Besides being in the council, her parents were also merchants. Thus, they always gave her presents whenever they leave the village.

Oddly enough, her parents whole heartedly supported her decision without so much as a fuss.

"Why not? You might even become famous!" Kizashi grinned.

"Well, I thought that you could become part of the council, but I guess why not?" Mebuki shrugged. "With a brain like yours, you can be a tough girl!"

But like her, her parents were smart. They knew potential when they see one. Their child was special. From the day she was born, they had sense her chakra reserves. One that was large in size, but not as large as a Jinchuuriki. And it didn't stop there. They had seen her walk on walls and book shelves more than once. Once, they even saw her standing on a small pond to watch a 'pretty little' fish.

Nonetheless, Sakura was happy. Partly saddened that they agreed instantly because she had already thought of ten things she could do if they wouldn't say 'yes' on her first explanation. But still, she was happy.

After that, her parents began on giving her tools and books that were more suited for a shinobi. But, occasionally, they would give her books about history and science. But out of all that, there was one book that she would always re-read time and time again: The Basics of Medical Jutsu

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