I spy

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Sakura gives out a polite smile to the attendant as she hands out her letters for Shino and Shikamaru. "For Sunagakure," she gestures to one, "And this is for the Fire Daimyo Palace." She lifts the other.

The attendant nods in understanding, "I assume this is labeled and sealed properly?" they ask as they briefly fill up a piece of paper while simultaneously double-checking both letters, "Please remember that we are not liable for damages in case the letter is not properly sealed. I'd also like to remind you that our standard carriers take two to four days, will that be a problem?" they paused in writing to look at the pinkette, "Unless these are urgent?"

Emerald eyes blinked in thought before she slowly shook her head, "No. Those are not urgent."

The attendant tilted their head before nodding, "Okay then." They continued to write before swiftly taking both letters and placing them in the different boxes behind them, presumably sorted by their destination. They turned around once more and handed her two receipts, "Here, just in case anything happens, here is a customer's copy of the receipt and carrier number.

Sakura took the receipts, eyes briefly going over the receipts just to be sure. "Thank you." She bowed out of respect.

"Have a good day!" they smiled before shifting their head to the next person behind her, "Next!"


The pinkette let out a soft sigh as she slowly walked around Kiri. It was her free day, a small relief given to her by the Mizukage after spending days and hours in their Library and Archives, looking for anything noteworthy to report back to Konoha.

Truthfully, she wasn't sure what she was trying to achieve by sending Shino and Shikamaru a copy of the small map Kisame gave her, as well as the rumors regarding Councilman Danzo and Orochimaru. Nevertheless, she wasn't one to keep something so important to herself. If she had nothing more to look for here in Kiri, maybe her other teammates had anything similar to tell her. Or at least offer their help in clearing the issues.

She had faith and trust that they would investigate what she wrote in her letter.

'In a discrete manner, I hope.' She thought with a wry smile. It wouldn't do to cause alarm over such rumors, no matter how true they may be.

It didn't make sense for Councilman Danzo to do something vile. Thinking back to what she had read before, she could somewhat remember that Danzo was one of the Sandaime's closest friends, seemingly even grew up together and fought together in the old Shinobi World War. When the Sandaime rose to power – twice – the councilman was notably one of the trusted people in his inner circle. Texts have also narrated the numerous influences of the councilman that led to the betterment of Konoha. Danzo was ever stiff and intimidating, but surely he wouldn't indirectly cause the death of his own friend, right?

Sakura abruptly stopped.



Konoha: Same Day

"Man~, I don't wanna spend time with you," Naruto groaned out as he and Jiraiya walked out of the Konoha Gates. "You're just gonna perv' around!" he snickered.

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