Chapter Twenty-Six

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Arielle sat on a blanket in the back garden. She was sketching a design for a new dress. American style like the flag. She heard a soft cry beside her and she put the drawing pad down and turned to her daughter.

"Aw no, what happened, baby?" Arielle cooed as her two year old little girl threw her rattle. Arielle held out the little girl's sippy cup which she took and drank from happily. Arielle and Zac's daughter,Lillianna Tate was so beautiful. Arielle's heart swelled as she stroked her Lilliy's head of blonde hair. She was also Cheryl and Neil's god-daughter. Suddenly a scream of delight came from the house and Arielle looked up to see her five year old son come running out, as fast as he could on his little legs. He made her heart stop because he was beautiful too with Jaxon's eyes and toffee coloured hair, a mix between Jaxon's and Arielle's. She smiled to see him be chased by his adoptive father. Zac grabbed Christopher Jaxon Hall and placed him on his shoulders. Chris grabbed Zac's hair, squealing in delight. The pair made their way over to Lilliy and Arielle. Christopher was the god son of Kirsten who doted on both children and made herself an auntie (Cheryl technically was an auntie because she was related to them through the marriage of Jaxon's brother).

"Down!" Zac smiled and put Chris on the picnic blanket. Christopher scrambled into Arielle's arms. Zac sat down too and picked up Lilliy, placing her on his lap.

"Momma, I want to see Daddy." Arielle smiled softly.

"Do you indeed?" As she spoke, she showed him the chain around her neck which held a dog tag bearing Jaxon's details. There was also another chain bearing her wedding ring to Jaxon. Chris touched the tag gently with his fingers.

"Why did Daddy wear this?"

"Because It said who he was. Look, Uncle Zac's wearing one too." Zac reached under his shirt and took out his two dog tags on the same chain.

"I want one."

"Can you look after Daddy's tag?" Arielle asked. Chris nodded earnestly so Arielle took off the chain and placed it around his neck. Chris touched it carefully.

"You have to take care of that don't you?" Zac reminded him.

"Daddy said I have to take care of Momma."

"Daddy was quite right. You have to take care of Momma and of Daddy's special things and of Lilliy too because she's your sister." Arielle smiled.

Jaxon had passed away and it had broken her heart. A piece of her heart would always be his. She had loved him so much and she still did. Zac had stayed with her through it all, the birth of Christopher and dealing with a newborn. Zac had not proposed to her, kissed her or even slept in the same bed. The most he did was hold her hand and hug her. But she loved him too. And with time, it had become clear that Zac had been there for her as much as Cheryl or Kirsten had. This was around the time they had their first kiss and to make sure she didn't feel guilty, Zac showed her the letter Jaxon had written him, proving that Jaxon just wanted her to be happy. So with a clear conscience, they went to London together while Chris had some well earned godmother time and this was around the time that Arielle became pregnant with Lilliy. Jason had approved once Zac had shown Jaxon's letter. Zac was still being called away to work with the army. At this point, Zac proposed to her. However, although Arielle accepted, they agreed to not get married until Arielle was ready. She wasn't quite ready for another wedding just yet, not only was it because it was too much stress but also because she couldn't handle it emotionally. So instead, they were engaged.

Zac had been very firm on ensuring that Chris knew who his father was. Zac would be his step dad but would follow through with Jaxon's wishes and ensure that he could be the best dad to Chris that he could be. And he loved Chris just as much as he loved his own blood child, Lilliy. Chris called Zac Uncle as a result and was well aware that his own Daddy was in heaven. Chris loved looking through the wedding album of Jaxon and Arielle as it also contained new pictures of Jaxon's military photographs and photographs of Jaxon's life as a child. Lilliy would know Jaxon as Uncle and Zac as Daddy which would confuse the children but Arielle saw that as an obstacle to come. For now, she was happy and living life. It was amazing how life had changed because she had met one English boy and his friend in a Brooklyn bar. 

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