Chapter Fifteen - Arielle

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Arielle made a list of names of the guests straight away that night, as soon as they got into the apartment. Jaxon ordered Dominoes that night. He then called Zac and made his own list of guests.

Arielle browsed on the computer while chatting on Skype to Cheryl and Kirsten about themes and ceremony places. Arielle made a list of both as well. They were chatting well into the night. Jaxon went to bed early as he was up early to deal with the store. Arielle finally got off Skype at two in the morning and collapsed into bed exhausted. She was so tired that she was still asleep when Jaxon got up at five and left to open up the store. However, the alarm that was automatically set for nine,went off and Arielle got up and had a drink of coffee before calling Cheryl and Kirsten. They agreed to meet at the invitations store which was two blocks from Arielle's apartment.

Arielle was paying for her invitations when Kirsten and Cheryl arrived, parking the car outside of the store. Arielle handed over the guest list with their addresses printed on it then turned to her maids of honour.

"What theme have you decided on then?" Kirsten asked.

"White and blue. Our favourite colours."

"Let's see the invitation." Cheryl begged, tugging at the example card that Arielle had been given. Arielle handed it over. The invitation card was pale blue with a white border and white italic fonting.

"That's gorgeous!"

"That's our theme." Arielle nodded.

Arielle and Kirsten got in Cheryl's car and Cheryl drove off to their first destination for the ceremony. They found a perfect wedding registry office where they could get officially married in. Luckily for them, there was even nobookings on the day the wedding was planned so the ceremony was sorted and so was the reception. Cheryl then took them to the florist. Blue flowers for Arielle and white flowers for Cheryl and Kirsten. The boys would have a blue and a white flower entwined together with blue ribbon as well for their suits. They were having lunch when Zac called to ask the theme in order to get matching suits. Jaxon would have a black suit with black waistcoat with blue tie while Zac would have a black suit with blue waistcoat and blue tie.

After lunch, the girls went on to a bakery to get a cake. The baker himself showed the girls an album of different examples of cakes he had made then gave the girls samples to try. They decided on a fruit cake with a white layer and blue icing to decorate. It would be three tiers. It was paid for there and then that they marked that off.

Finally they went back to the Restaurant Sparkling Lights to confirm the booking for the reception where a whole room would be decked out for them. It would be the girls who would have to decorate though, however they agreed to provide their menu food.

"We still have a lot to do." Arielle told them as Cheryl parked outside Arielle's apartment.

"We'll be right back at it tomorrow." Cheryl promised.

"Thanks girls... For everything." She waved goodbye and left the car, hurrying up to the apartment. Jaxon was already there, cooking them a roast dinner.

"How was it today?" He asked as they sat down.

"Flowers, cake, invitations, reception and ceremony venues are sorted but there's still a lot to do." Arielle said as she ran a hand through her hair.

"Well we've got the suits baby and I've paid for your dresses." Jaxon said, reassuringly.

"That's good to hear." Arielle nodded.

"I called my Dad and my big brother today to tell them. They're happy for us but they want to meet you before the big day." Arielle gawped at him.

"In what space of time will this be?"

BrooklynOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora