Chapter Twelve - Arielle

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A whole two months had passed and it was finally the day. Arielle stood in front of her store. It was completely surreal. It seemed like every moment of her life had led up to this. Marianne and her husband stood to one side of the store, Marianne was giving an interview to a local newspaper. A small crowd of people had come to watch the grand new opening of Princess Designs. Arielle spotted her friends on the front row, Cheryl in a white pencil skirt with a green blouse, holding the hand of Zac who was dressed in smart black trousers, black waistcoat and white shirt and Kirsten who stood on the other side of Cheryl, closest to Arielle wearing smart black trousers and a sky blue blouse. Arielle herself was dressed to impress, another of her own designs. A black pencil skirt to her knees with a black blouse and a scarf of white. She looked and felt elegant.

"Miss Cole? Will you do yourself the honours?" Marianne asked, holding out a pair of scissors. Arielle took them and walked up to the ribbon barring the entrance to Princess Designs.

"I declare Princess Designs... Open." She cut the ribbon as the journalist took notes and a photographer took pictures. Arielle opened the doors and left them open. The general public wandered in and started looking at the clothes on the displays and the racks. A photographer took pictures and Arielle was dragged away by the journalist to talk about her new store and the designs. On the walls were the blown up photographs of her chosen models wearing her designs. As promised, a rack was dedicated to Marianne's clothes and Arielle had started hiring staff so there was already a smiling lady waiting, called Nancy behind the counter and a woman called Saffron behind the customer service counter plus a man to help with customer service and fittings called Brayden. Two hired waitresses were walking around with glasses of champagne for the adults and orange juice for the children. Arielle took a glass off a passing waitress as she gave her interview. Once the journalist was done with the questions, Arielle walked around the shop getting praised and congratulations for the amazing store. Arielle herself was amazed. Her store had been decorated in baby pink with mannequins styling clothes on display and racks of clothing. Each rack contained one item of clothing in a garment bag with a label on to show the price and what the outfit looked like on a model. A customer would go up to the customer service desk to find the outfit in their size and could try it on in the dressing rooms. The original clothing would be put back on the rail and if the customer tried on her size and liked it, she could buy it, if she didn't, it was put back in storage where Brayden had access. Arielle had her own office where she could do her designs and a whole firm to do the designs in real for her. It was perfect.

Customers looked around and the first customer of the day (and of the business) was applauded when she bought a sunflower patterned dress for her seven year old daughter. The opening was a huge success and Arielle thanked Marianne from the bottom of her heart. Their partnership was not over, Arielle would give Marianne her proceeds from her clothing designs being sold as well. However, Arielle felt she owed Marianne everything.

"There's a party in your honour once we close up for the day. You must attend, of course."

"I had no idea."Arielle said in surprise.

"Don't worry, I've delivered a dress to your apartment for you and all your girlfriends. I'll send a car to pick you up and take you to the address."

"What time?"

"Seven. That'll give you an hour to get ready once you've closed up. Is that good?"

"That's great, thank you." Arielle said.

The store closed up at five and Cheryl gave Arielle and Kirsten a lift back to the apartment. Zac said he would be spending five minutes with Cheryl and then they would be back at the apartment (as the two were officially dating) so Kirsten ran upstairs when they got in and brought down the garment bag addressed to Cheryl, just in case.

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