4. jack of all trades

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"So Minmin... is Minhyuk hyung?" Changkyun confirms, closing the door behind him and walking towards his bed. Minhyuk nods.

"And Kkukkung is Changkyun?" he asks back. The other nods, "Oh."

"Yep," Changkyun blinks, contemplating. "I seriously have no idea what to do next,"

Minhyuk laughs, breaking the tense atmosphere, "Actually, same."

"But where'd you get your nickname?" Minhyuk tilts his head cutely.

"Remember I said something about already meeting Monsta X in a fansign?" Minhyuk hums to indicate he was following his thoughts, "Wonho nicknamed me that. He said I looked like a puppy,"

"He what," Minhyuk gapes at him and he shouts, "Who what?! Wonho what?!"

"I know," Changkyun can relate to him, some tears starting to pool in his eyes, "Wonho gave me a nickname and I never felt so fucking honored in my life, hyung. I wanted to die right there. I must have like, saved my country in my past life to be so lucky."

"Did you touch Jooheon?" Minhyuk glomps Changkyun on his bed, taking the chance to interrogate Kkukkung (or just, Changkyun) on his encounter with his dream boys.

"I did," Changkyun mutters weakly, choking back on his tears and blissful memories, "I poked his dimples,"

Minhyuk screams.


"This feels..." Minhyuk trails off as he chooses what unhealthy food he'll stuff himself with as a poor excuse of lunch, "That you're Kkukkung, I mean."

Changkyun hums in confused agreement, on another aisle choosing on the healthier salad choices that Minhyuk can never afford. "Feels what? Surreal?"

".. weird." Minhyuk mumbles, "This feels weird,"

"Why?" Changkyun picks up a very suspicious looking pink salad. But Minhyuk told him once that pink can never be wrong, so he trusts his hyung in his decisions.

"My internet best friend is my roommate and easy-to-annoy dongsaeng," Minhyuk appears, holding a ramen packet. "Too... coincidental?"

Changkyun shrugs, "It's not like this information will change our friendship, right?"

The younger turns his head at the silence, "Right?" he repeats.

Minhyuk only sighs, "I guess?" They line up on the counter to pay. And as they set their warmed meals down on a table, Changkyun deemed it best to have a sincere talk with his friend.

"What's bothering you?"

"..Nothing," Minhyuk blows on his noodles. "Just thinking,"


"You," Minhyuk shrugs, chewing. "Me, mostly,"

He continues, "I'm most probably not going to talk to you as often anymore online,"

"Well, yeah. I guess there is no need for us to talk online?" Changkyun picks up his fork, "And? Isn't that better? Me with you and our boys and all. It helps condition you to talking to real life people again," After that incident.

Minhyuk only blinks, "No, I'm not worried about that. I'm improving on my own," he breathes, "I'm just scared that I'll start to lose interest in Kkukkung."

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