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She popped into my life out of nowhere, claiming she's a wandering soul who happened to be granting my deceased Grandmother's wish: TO FIND THE RIGHT GIRL FOR ME.

"Sounds pathentic!"

That was my initial reaction, too. But it turned out that she was telling the truth.

You probably are thinking about the event  that happened next after she appeared. Well, it's a good thing I have reserved a portion of my time to tell you my story.

My name's Jiyong Kwon and I'm here to tell you my very unusual love story with my so-called SOULmate.


Hi Applers and Dear Readers,

Wanted to give you all a taste of the new story I'm about to publish.

Should I still use Jiyong and Dara's name or change it to a different one?

Please share your thoughts. Would love to hear suggestions from everyone. 😄😄

Will post a few chapters soon. 📖📒📝✏

~A Go Go Go.~

CHOICES AND CHANCES (DaraGon FANFIC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon