Chapter Seven

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"Whose place is this?" Bom asked after settling down on a couch, sitting beside SeungHyun.

"A close friend." SeungHyun replied.

"I saw a recording studio downstairs... Who uses it?" Chaerin asked after sipping soda from her glass.

"First floor serves as a restaurant while the second floor is Tablo Hyung's recording studio." Youngbae explained.

"So this friend you have is a music artist just like you?" Dara asked Jiyong.

He looked at her lovingly and smiled while tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear. He nodded as a response.

"He's an independent worker... He creates music as he pleases." SeungHyun told the girls.

"We sometimes help him. And in return, we get to use this private haven." Daesung shared.

"Help him in what way?" Chaerin asked.

"Writing songs... Creating melody... Stuff like that." Seungri said.

"That's interesting... And this place is awesome. You get to enjoy the night while star gazing... How often do you go here?" Bom got curious.

"Whenever we have time." SeungHyun told her.

"You still have the time to enjoy music with all five of you working separately?" Bom looked at SeungHyun.

"Well, we find time. Music is our stress reliever so we make sure to meet up and have few hours of jamming session." He responded.

"Your song earlier is worth recording. I think you should try auditioning so you'll be recognized for your talent." Chaerin suggested.

"Nah... Won't happen." Seungri told her.

"Why?" Dara asked.

"We do it just for fun." Jiyong answered.

"Honestly... There were quite a few offers that were coming... but Jiyong declined... I think I know now why he did that." Daesung chuckled.

"Why? Tell us why?" Jiyong challenged.

"We all know now why, Ji." Youngbae teased.

"Because if he was to become famous, he can't be there to protect Dara." Seungri followed.

"Ji..." Dara blushed.

"That's one... but offer's not that good to begin with." Jiyong explained himself.

"But that saved us from hell of training days... We all know entering the entertainment business is not as easy as it seems." SeungHyun backed his friend up.

"Definitely a wise decision." Daesung seconded.

"Jiyong, with you being with Dara, are you aware of what you've brought yourself into?" Chaerin asked.

"Really? Do you have to ruin the mood?" Seungri commented, giving Chaerin a revolting stare.

She shrugged, unaffected. "If you haven't heard of how strict Dara's father is, you won't understand."

Jiyong smiled, nodding while looking at Dara's hand that he's holding. "I know he'll go against this."

Dara squeezed his hand. "It's gonna be fine." She whispered.

"How about the guys that Dara's father set her up with for dates?" Chaerin continued.

"Chae..." Dara looked at her and a shook her head.

"I believe in you, Jiyong... You've known Dara even longer than us. I know you'll find a way eventually. I just don't want you to hurt her... Same goes with you SeungHyun." Chaerin sounded like a reprimanding mother.

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