-Chapter 2-

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I woke up to the continuous buzzing of my alarm clock. How long has it been on? I wondered as I got out of bed. I checked my phone, snoozing the alarm, and as soon as I went to messages I realized I only had 5% battery. "Dammit.." I muttered, and threw my school shirt over my head.

I ran downstairs, where the grand clock was. It ticked and tocked, and BANG BANG BANG. "I thought my alarm was supposed to wake me up at 6:30..? It shouldn't be the full hour yet.." I murmured to myself, apparently talking to myself had become a habit.

I was terrible at reading time, so I checked my phone again, now at 3%, and on the top in small numbers it read 10:02. A/N: get the references? hahah) "OH SHIT!" I yelled, fully losing my calm composure, and ran around the house like a headless chicken.

When I had finally calmed down, but still a bit shocked that I was 2 HOURS late for school, I slipped on my shoes, stuck my hands in my pockets, and walked to school calmly. My legs ached; I wasn't used to running this much at my house.

On my way out of the door, I looked at the hung up picture of my mother, her long black hair perfectly framing her pale face. She's dead and there's nothing you can do..Stop grieving and get to school..

The truth was, I wasn't worried about being late. I was worried about the attention I would get from being late. And the worst part was.. Park Jimin was in my third period. If mom was here, she wouldn't have let me get late.. She wouldn't even have left me for a business trip. You stupid old hag of a dad!

I kicked the trash cans surrounding the school. Fluffy orange hair peered out from the fence. Jimin! "You okay?" he asked cautiously. I nodded and looked downward.

"What are you doing here? It's third period."

I felt a bit embarrassed explaining myself so I avoided the question. "What are you doing here? And Mr.KyuHyuk is gonna get mad because we aren't there, isn't he?"

He smiled, showing off his perfect teeth, and he fluffed his hair. "No~ It's probably the reason you're here, at least Mr.KyuHyuk thinks so. I'm showing an exchange student around the school. Students from Taiwan are touring the school today, and our teacher thinks you're helping. Well, I sorta told him that~ So do you wanna join me?"

"Where is your exchange student?"

"In the bathroom right now"



"I'll join you."

He laughed and teased, "You sound like you're in prison!~" I smiled too and we went to find Jimin's exchange student: "It's nice," Jimin said to me on the way there. I tilted my head, confused. "Seeing you smile.."

I just stared ahead, words not forming in my mouth. Soon, a young boy, about a year younger than us walked up. "H-Hey.. I'm Park Jinyoung.." he stuttered shyly, not daring to look at me . I wasn't surprised. Even the baddest people stutter when seeing me. Something about my cold eyes and composure. Although, Jimin never thought that.

"This is Min Yoongi, my friend!" Jimin cheered happily. I admit, I blushed just a little.. Okay fine, a lot. Stop judging, haters.

"Hey." I said flatly, giving off a little wave. No, not in the cute way females do. Just a slight shake of the hand.

"So Jinyoung, next we are going to visit the principal's office! He gave us permish don't worry!" he said, his smile never wavering.

Jungkook. Jimin can't go there! Jungkook has disciplinary study there. Right now. "Uh, how 'bout we visit the school nurse!"

Jimin jumped up and down, cheering. "YEAHHH!!!"

Wait no. ChiHye. Her record was there from her encounter with Jungkook. "Auhhh, how about actually we visit..the..t-the math teacher!"

Jimin sighed a bit, but continued jumping. "Yeahh!!!"

Wait NOOOO. UGH. Stupid HyunShit. Out to get me. "No! Science!" I decided, believing that they was nothing wrong with that class.

Jinyoung just stared at us drunk people. We did look drunk. As hell. Or at least I looked like it. Jimin sorta just also stared at me, and said finally, after a long breath, "Um.. Yoongi. I think it would be better if you didn't come.. You have class.."

But I knew the real reason. And it made my heart crack into a billion pieces.

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Sorry guys! I just realized a mistake in the previous chapter. So I fixed it. Nothin major, dun worry~ I just changed the part where Suga said that Jungkook was in the principal's office. So Jimin doesn't know still. REMEMBER TO PUNCH THAT STAR VOTEY BUTTON THINGY IN THE FACE LIKE A BOSSSSSSSSS

Loaf you all, FLY HIGH


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