I bend down to her height and forcefully grab ahold of her chin. "Stop crying." I demanded. "If you do one more bad thing to Zayn, me, or anyone today, I will not hesitate to spank you. Do you hear me?"

She sobs but nodded. "Stop crying Delaney."

She doesn't listen but speaks through her sobs, "M-mommy, it h-hurts s-so bad!" It takes me a second to realize that shes talking about her arm where the shot was. I let go of her chin and pull her closer to me. I sighed- we do this every day. But usually it's not this bad. She's making it a lot worse than it actually is because she's upset with me.

"Go sit at the table and I will bring you your lunch. You need to eat quickly because we have to go somewhere." I instructed and she nods. I wipe her cheeks and kiss one before she walks over to the table and sits in a chair. I bring her plate that I already fixed to her and she starts eating.

"Are you hungry?" Zayn asked from behind me. I turn around to see that he's only inches away. I shake my head no. "Are you sure? It's noon and you didn't eat breakfast either."

"I can't eat when I'm stressed, Zayn." I sighed leaning against the counter. He frowns and steps closer to me.

"Promise me you'll eat later?" He raises an eyebrow and I nod. I lean into his chest and hug him tightly. His lips come into contact with my forehead and I relax. "I love you baby."

Mumbling, I replied, "I love you too." And I mean it every time I say it.


"Ariana?" Zayn broke the silence. I look over at him instead of staring out the car window. He keeps his eyes firm on the road but glances over at me for a second.


He sighed, "We need to talk about some things. . ." I scunch my eyebrows in confusion as I stare at him. I study his face and notice how tired he looks.

"Like what?" I asked nervously. When a boyfriend or girlfriend say we need to talk, it means one of two things. And I'm not too excited to hear what he has to say, honestly.

He fumbles but finally figures out what to say. "I think I should stop staying at your house. . ." What? I was not expecting that. His voice was low and I could sense how nervous he was.

"What? Why?" I asked quickly. "You're always welcome to stay there and there is way more than enough room for you and I re-"

He interrupted me, "Ariana, stop." He takes a breath. "I'm not trying to hurt your feelings. I just think it's best if we do this." I scoffed.

"Then why are you doing this? Is this your way of breaking up with me? After everything we've been through?!"

"Fuck no. God, Ariana I'm doing this for us!" He snapped and I shake my head and look out the window. "Look at me, Ariana."

I slowly turn my head towards him but before he can continue, I beat him to it. "I thought you couldn't stand to be away from me Zayn. For heavens sake we just got to be together yesterday evening and now you're wanting to be so distant? Make up your damn mind!"

"You didn't let me finish!" He growled and I slump back into my seat. We always fight and I'm tired of it. I let him finish because I don't need to be yelled at when I'm already going to be yelled at enough when we get to the meeting with management. "Let me explain, damn."

I nodded as he glanced at me. "I just think that if we have different places to stay at, that the spotlight might be taken off us a little bit, you know? Yeah the world will know we are dating and they know about Delaney. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

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