Chapter Sixteen James' Pov (Edited)

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After she ran off even though she had her walls up I could still feel a little of her pain.

*Do you think she will be okay,* Alex asked?

*I don't know buddy, I really don't know,* I said with a whimper.

After a while I felt a stinging sensation on my wrist and thighs I then knew exactly what my mate was up to.

*Go to our mate NOW,* Alex growled!

*I can't but I know someone who can,* I said before blocking him off.

(Adrian go upstairs to your sister's room she's cutting again.) I growled through the link.

(What did you do?) Adrian growled back.

(I didn't do anything, I don't know what has gotten into her.) I whimpered.

(I'll go get her and bring her to your room so Max can check on her.) Adrian said before cutting the link.

About one minute later Adrian mindlinked me in a panic.

(There's so much blood James, I can't handle it get Zeus and Max quick.) Adrian said before i'm guessing passing out.

I mindlinked both Max and Zeus and they were on there way to her room.

(James I need you to stay calm and let the nurse in the room she will be carrying needles and stuff to sew up Isabella's wounds.) Max mindlinked me.

(D-did she cut that deep?) I whimpered not really wanting to know the answer.

(As soon as I get in the room I want you to try to keep your wolf at bay because what you're about to see is not a good sight.) Max said before cutting the link.

*Hear that try to stay calm,* I told Alex.

*I'll try,* Alex said back before cutting the link.

One minute later a nurse walked in with everything that Max had said she would. She went over to the bed next to mine and started to put clean sheets and everything on it.

"They'll be in here in one moment," She said before standing to the side.

As soon as the door opened I smelled a lot of blood and I knew that it all belonged to my beautiful mate.

"Oh my god," I mumbled.

Max put Isabella on the bed that the nurse had just made and Zeus dropped Adrian on the floor.

"What the f..." Adrian was cut off by my growl.

Adrian then looked over at his baby sister with tears in his eyes.

"Why Bell," Adrian whispered?

"It's going to be okay Adrian," Zeus said to his younger brother while hugging him to his chest.

Their wolves wanting to comfort each other because of their family bond. I ran over to Bella's side and took her pale and cold hand into mine.

"I'm so sorry Isabella," I whimpered.

"James this isn't your fault it's our old packs fault," Adrian whimpered while going back into his older brothers embrace.

Both Marcus and Marabell both came into the room looking at their pups. Both Adrian and Zeus both ran to their parents. I whimpered feeling like a pup again wanting his mommy.

Before I could let another whimper escape both my parents came into the room.

"Mom, dad," I whimpered before running to them.

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