Chapter Thirteen Sierra's Pov (Edited)

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When I seen her in the cage with Brian I felt kinda sorry for her. She has blonde straight hair that has some curls on the bottom, she had really pretty blue eyes that had purple little flecks in them. I could tell that she was in one of her mates shirts, I also knew that her mate was Brian's brother. I felt sorry for her and her mate because I knew that they probably wouldn't see each other for a long time.

"Sweetheart come on let's go get the mutt so we can take her to her room then go to bed," Brian said while coming and pulling me into his chest.

"Okay," I said while grabbing his hand and going down to the cells.

When we got down to the cells I guess I had something that she didn't like because she tried to lunge at me but before she got close to me Brian went and threw a collar on her that prevents her from shifting back to her human form. He then put a leash on her and when he did I grabbed the leash and took her outside. She was mindlinking someone probably her mate. Brian then got mad at her.

"You better not be mindlinking anyone you mutt," Brian growled before grabbing a whip and hitting her back with it.

"Brian she didn't, now don't abuse my puppy," I hissed.

"Don't worry i'll protect you Bell," I whispered it so that she was the only one who heard.

After I told her this she shifted into an adorable little puppy.

"Awe Brian looky she's so adorable," I said to Brian.

"She's not as adorable as you are love," Brian said.

I blushed before picking Bell up and taking her to her room.

"I'll protect you don't worry, I'll also get you back to your mate somehow," I told her.

(Why are you being so nice to me?) She asked.

"I'm being nice because I want to go home too," I said while thinking of my mate Austin.

(Wait what's your actual mates name since this isn't your rightful home?) Bell asked.

"My mates name is Austin he's in your pack," I said while blushing.

(How is that possible though you're a vampire while he's a werewolf.) She said.

"I know it sounds crazy but we love each other," I told her before telling her I had to go.

Once I was making my way downstairs I heard Isabella whimpering and whining.

*I feel sorry for her,* I told my vampire Ashley.

*I do too, she didn't do anything to deserve this,* Ashley said with a hiss.

*We need to somehow contact our mate,* Ashley said.

*But how Brian disconnected our link,* I asked.

*It should've wore off by now cause I can feel him and his wolves emotions again,* Ashley said with a smile.

(Austin please be able to hear me.) I said.

(Baby oh my god it's so good to hear your voice.) Austin said.

(It's been two months and it's finally wore off so I can talk to you, Austin, Isabella is here with me and well I don't know how long he's planning on keeping her around.) I said with a whimper.

(That's good news, well except for the whole keeping her around thing but baby, please keep an eye on her she's our next luna.) He said.

(Wait she's the alphas missing daughter?) I asked.

(You've missed alot since they kidnapped you, Do you have any idea where you guys are at?) Austin asked.

(We are in an abandoned pack house in a territory that's all I know.) I said sadly.

(At least that's something listen I have to go baby so I can go and give this information to the alpha, I love you baby.) Austin said.

(I love you too babe.) I said before blocking the link.

"Hey darlin," Brian said while hugging me.

I hate when he calls me that.

"What have I told you about calling me that," I hissed?

"How many times to I have to tell you not to hiss at me," He said before smacking me across the face.

I whimpered before backing up in a corner. I had everything blocked off thank goodness so that my mate couldn't feel my pain or emotions.

"I'm sorry baby please forgive me," He said while bringing me to his chest.

"I'm tired i'm going to bed, night," I said before getting up and walking to my room.

Once I got to my room I got changed then I seen that Bell was still curled up to her mates shirt that I managed to steal from their room. I picked Bell up and carried her to my bed, Bell tensed up before relaxing a little bit.

"It's alright, i'm not going to hurt you," I said.

(Thank you.) Bell said.

"For what Bell," I asked while petting her?

(For helping me.) She said.

"Well I don't want you to suffer like I have," I said before putting her on the end of my bed.

She was about to jump down but I grabbed her before she could.

"You can sleep up here with me and if you want you can even cuddle and share my blankets with me," I said before patting the spot next to me.

She didn't know about it at first but she then came to me and curled up in a ball next to me.

"Good night Bell," I said before planting a kiss on the top of her head.

Bell woke me up in the middle of the night whimpering and kicking me. I petted her and that seemed to somewhat relax her, she then jumped up and looked at me. Bell then started to whimper before laying back down.

"You miss him don't you," I asked?

(I miss him a lot.) She whimpered.

"Try to mindlink him," I whispered.

(I'll get in trouble.) She whined.

"Not with me you won't and he won't even know," I whispered back with a smile.

Her eyes glossed over so I figured she was talking to him. I picked her up and sat her on my lap. One good thing about Brian he didn't make me sleep in the same room as his. A few minutes later when I looked down at Bell she was curled up and her breathing was even. I then knew that talking to her mate helped her go back to sleep. 

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