Chapter Fifteen Isabella's Pov (Edited)

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I was woken up by someone slapping me, when I opened my eyes I seen that it was Brian. I growled only to be kicked in the ribs once again.

"Stupid mutt, go downstairs and sit where you normally do and wait to be fed," Brian growled at me.

I whimpered before doing what I was told, when I was downstairs I went and sat in between where sierra and Brian sit and waited for my food. I wasn't aloud to shift back, if I did shift I was beaten until I shifted back.

Sierra was petting me until she heard Brian coming down the stairs.

"I'm sorry Bell," Sierra whispered so that I was the only one who heard.

I heard Brian yelling at the cook to hurry up and fix the food so that him and Sierra could get something to eat. When their food was done the cook stood to the side waiting for them to get done. Brian as usual ate everything on his plate and Sierra left some scraps on her plate so that I would at least get something to eat.

Sierra got up and left her plate on the table but I had to wait for the cook to come and receive their plates so that she would put the plate down so I could eat.

"Here you go sweetheart," The cook said before putting down Sierras plate.

I ate everything that Sierra had left on her plate, once I was done I barked at the cook so that she knew I was done. I walked upstairs to Sierras room like I do after every meal. My stomach was still growling because what I had wasn't enough to fill up my belly.

I've been here I think over a month now. I was missing my mate a lot, I tried mindlinking him at night before I went to sleep but his mind was always blocked off. Sierra walked into her room with tears in her eyes. She layed down on her bed and started bawling her eyes out so I jumped on her bed and laid beside her.

"I'm fine Bell go lay down," She hissed.

I whimpered because that was the first time she raised her voice at me less alone hissing at me.

"I'm sorry Bell it's just that he yelled at me again," She whimpered while burying her head in my fur.

Sierras phone began to ring.

S- Hello.

J- Hey is she okay?

S- She's okay but she's really hungry and she's bruised and i'm pretty sure she has broken ribs.

J- I swear i'll kill him.

S- James calm down, if you want you can talk to her but just so you know she won't talk back.

J- What do you mean she won't talk back?

S- She's in wolf form and she's not aloud to shift back so if you wanna talk to her you might wanna mindlink her.

J- Okay I will, I'll let you go so I won't get you girls in trouble.

S- Okay bye James.

J- Bye.

I looked at Sierra with a confused look.

"That was your mate sweetie, he's worried about you," Sierra said while petting me.

I whimpered before I felt someone trying to mindlink me.

(Baby what has he done?) James growled.

(I-i'm okay.) I said trying to hold back a whimper.

(Baby please don't try to act tough I know you're not fine, you're hurting I can feel it I also know that you're missing me and I know you can feel that I miss you a lot too.) James said with a whine.

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