"Jungkook?" I mumbled.

"Lisa?" he called my name.

"Wait you know each other?" the guy said as he pointed at us.

"Yeah, we are classmates." Jungkook replied.

"I need to go home now." I made an excuse but I really want to go home. So I started to stood up from my chair and walk.

Jungkook grabbed my wrist "No, you can't you need to drink." he said but I won't tolerate myself to drink.

"No, I'm not much of a drinker." I said but it is true though.

"Well you gotta try." he said making me feel that he is forcing me.

"No and please give me back my hand." I said as he let go of my hand.

"Wait there." he started to walk heading to the DJ, Is he gonna asked a request or I don't know. It made myself so curious. Why did he let me stand her in front of a crowd?

Instantly the music stopped. Then crowd started to complain making noise that made me feel irritated. Why did the DJ stopped is there any problems with the speakers???
I saw Jungkook whispered to the DJ's ear, he is telling something. Whats going on all of a sudden?!....

Then the lights immediately pointed at me. The moment of silence has started but through out the crowds I heard some people whisper. This made me feel so nervous and shaky at the same time awkward. This have been the most AWKWARD day of my entire life. Darn it! What did I do?! To deserve THIS?!!!

I just stood here, avoiding eye contact to the people around me. Lisa! Do something! my thoughts said but my body didn't do anything. I just stood there waiting for someone to help me but no one did.

"The girl!" the DJ hold the mic as he said that, pointing at me. The crowd turn there heads on me giving me a glance but I just ignore it. "Very. No. Fun!"

My eyes widen up and rub my eyes to check if this really happening!...
WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK ARE YOU SAYING?!..me no fun. I couldn't find here any the words that includes fun.

"I have an announcement we will not continue the party." the DJ took a sighed looking at me. The crowd suddenly starts to complain again.

"Is it because of her!"

"Get out here, guurlll!"

"Your ruining the moment, such a killjoy!!!"

"You got none of the jams!!!"

Ugh, don't worry. I'm gonna leave this sh*tty party! So I started to walked.

"Wait don't leave, if you leave. We won't continue the party." he started to threatened me. So I stop from my steps and turn back.

"Ughhhhhhh!!!!!!" the crowds grumbled against his statement.

"Unless, if you took a sip from this beer." he said as I gave him a WTAF-look.

Really? that is the only thing, why you stopped the music. Is that you want me to drink a beer! the heck is wrong with you people!

One of his friends, I think....handed me a glass of beer. I don't know what kind of beer is this but please don't make me go drunk.

"Please. I'm begging you, I don't like to drink it." I implore him, I really don't want to drink.

"YAW GUYS!!!" he shouted grabbing the attention of the crowd. "SHE DOESN'T WANT TO DRINK!!! I GUESS WE WILL CANCEL THE PARTY!!!" he shouted as I drop my jawline, I didn't expected he would say that.

"DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!!!" the crowds cheered, forcing me.

So I have no choice without thinking twice. I get the glass of beer from his hand and took a small sip, I don't want to finish it all. The taste is a little bit sweet and far more bitter. The crowds are still cheering.

"Finish it, you don't want to disappoint the people watching you." he said.


"Want do you think of me a Show Off." I stated.

"Its just a light beer, that can't really make you drunk." he gave me a smirked. He doesn't looked to be trusted.

So I guess the pleasure is all mine not even gonna guess what going to happen to me...I started to drank while gulping after that I gave him the glass.

I feel like I'm loosing my balance, everything is spinning. My vision is getting kinda blurry. I don't know why? my body wants to do something which my brains says no. This is not me. Sh*t! Party mode ON...

"WOAH!!!HOO!!! TIME TO PARTY~~~!!!" I raised a fist in the air. Then the music started to play loud as it can. The crowed also began to dance as well, the lights are beginning to change color, all around.

My body wants to dance so not even hesitating to do it. I danced along with the crowd. Not even noticing that someone is filming me while dancing crazily. Now I am having the best day of my life. My parents aren't here so, I can do what I want.


Thank you for reading my story💜👍
Hope you like it.....comment what do you think....😘
Btw I changed my book cover...please accept it...

Mr. Super Bad Boy / LisKook  Where stories live. Discover now