"Oooh, what'd you do?" Kate asked mysteriously.

"Well, I asked the teacher if I was in the wrong class and acted like a know it all. And made a complete fool of myself, forgetting that they just had vacation."

"Wow. You'll be lucky if he doesn't purposely give you a detention one day. I swear they do it sometimes," Mariana says.

" Anyway, how did you guys' day go?"

"Boring," they all say in unison.

"Wish I was in your classes then. I have this English homework due tomorrow. I have to write an informative essay from a topic of my choice."

"Ooh you should write about The Miracle of Life," Jared suggests.

"Ew no!" Kate says in disgust.

"Seriously dude?" Mason says in the same way.

"Hey I'm not writing about that. That's disgusting."

"How about how school sucks?" April suggests.

"No way. What are you trying to do? Get me a detention?" I ask her.

"No. School actually sucks."

"Hey you like math so write about the history about math." Ethan finally speaks up.

"That's a great idea. Thanks for finally giving me a topic I like," I say to Ethan. I take out a piece of paper for my essay, thus commencing homework. Jared picks up a Doritos bag and starts eating. Typical. He eats a lot.

Once I finish my essay and other homework, I start eating the Reese's. "Hey Mel I need help with this Algebra problem," Mariana asks once she sees I'm done. I walk over to her side and sit down. I point at each number/letter while explaining to her what she needs to do.

When we're all done, so is the food. I pick up all the wrappers and Ethan helps me to clean up. The others pack up their backpacks.

"Ready?" I ask everyone.

"Yup," they say in unison.

I walk outside and tell the guards we're leaving. "Are you guys coming along?" I ask them.

"Yes," the head guard, Jonah says. He's the only one I know the name of. We walk into the house so that no one can see us teleport. We hold hands and I think of castle home. I feel the pull and in three seconds, we're in the dining hall of the castle. The after effects still lingers, but only for a minute. To the others, it's about 10.

"See you guys at dinner," I say before zooming up to my room. Once I get to my room I head straight for the showers.




Before I leave my room, I sense dad appearing. "Dad!" I say shocked that he appeared without me willing it. We've both been secretly working on finding people of our kind with no success.

"Mel we've got great news," he says joyfully.

"Really? did you find them? Do they look like us?" I bombard him with questions.

"Yes I found them. They even stopped my problem with teleporting. Turns out there was a problem with everyone's teleporting because of a war between our people and the witches. The witches cast a spell that disabled our ability to willingly teleport. Except you of course."

"I don't understand," I say with a frown.

"You're half vampire, so you don't get affected much. You can tell your mother now. And I found out we're called white-lighters," dad says with excitement.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so glad your back," I say and cry into his shoulder while hugging him tightly. I guess dad didn't put up the shield cause mom barged into my room and saw dad and I hugging. Dad lets go of me and hugs her. She starts to cry into his shoulder and they start making out right in front of me.

"Ewe get a room!" I exclaim and they chuckle at my reaction. I guess there doesn't need to be any explaining. She heard the whole conversation.

"Melody Lance how could you keep this secret from me? And you mister!" she exclaims.

"We didn't want you to get your hopes up in case it didn't work," I quietly say. But of course mom heard that.

"I'm so proud of you two. You make a great team," mom says and smiles lovingly at dad.

"Let's go to dinner. They're probably still waiting for us," I say, realizing how long we stayed up here.

"I'll meet you downstairs," dad whispers into mom's ear. He quickly kisses her and disappears. Mom takes my hand and we both zoom down the stairs to the dining hall. Dad is already there hugging everyone and the rest of my family are crying.

I introduce all my friends to dad and then we finally eat.




Training day tomorrow. Friday. Ugh. As I close my eyes a thought comes into my mind. 'Does Ethan like me?'

Not So "Ordinary" Girl(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now