01 please exit the exploding school bus.

18 0 0

The morning started pretty much normal for 14 year old Nicole Pendragon, aka Niky no name as the kids at her school liked to call her. she had given her last name to herself with the help of one of her only friends. due to the fact that she tended to be quiet and introverted unless provoked,(witch wasn't that hard,she didn't like people very much and never really fit in witch made her a target and therefore a little temperamental.) and her slightly punk look with her shoulder length black hair and mismatched eyes, put together with the fact that she liked dark clothing. she didn't end up with a lot of friends.

The morning was calm, sun was shining bright and sending streaks of bright light through the clouds as she ran as fast as she could to get to the bus stop before they drove off with out her, again. yup. totally normal morning.

Why me?! Why do they always leave without me but if anyone else is late they wait?! She thought desperately.

She knew the answer but she asked it anyways. A while back (meaning only about one week ago) Niky had freaked out the bus driver by hanging a very realistic toy spider on a string in front of his face when he wasn't looking...

That had been the worst day of her miserable life at this school (that she had litteraly only been going to for a month witch was a record for her to have lasted that long without getting kicked out of the school altogether). She kind of liked playing pranks on the teachers, and other than that she had ADHD, dyslexia, lactose intolerance and several other attention issues. also she had a knack for getting herself in trouble in other ways, as well as being dead clumsy and accident prone not to mention that everyone thought that she was completely loopy seeing as she saw things that no one else could.

"HEY! are you going to get on the bus or am I going to have to leave without you again?!" The bus driver yelled jeeringly down at her from the window. He was a tall annoying man without much hair and less patience.

"Well its not like it was my fault the last five times you drove off without me you always close the door before I can get on!" She shouted back at him defensively as she ran up the stairs to get to her seat. by the time she got back to her seat she had already been laughed at twenty times and was sure that she had a spitball in her short dark hair.

"Hey Niky." Said the short boy sitting in the spot next to hers. her oldest, and only friend, that she had known for litteraly three weeks.
This boy was one of the only people that would talk to her and was ever nice to her.

Wonder whats so wrong with him that he actually likes me. She thought sitting down next to him.

He wore the same thing as he did just about every day. An army green hat jammed over his curly brown hair that he never, ever, took off, even in class, and his camo jacket with his crutches jammed between him and the window of the bus.

she took out her notebook and sketched for a good 20 minutes.

"Why do you always wear that hat Jake? It makes your head look like you ether have a large tree frog sitting on your head or have horns under it or something... wait do you? because that would be weird, but not as weird as some things that I have seen. honestly im not sure that it would even surprise me." She said without looking up from her drawing untill she finished her sentance to see his reaction, actually thinking about it for the first time, and if he thought that it was strange that she asked that he didn't show it.

Probably just thinks that i am more crazy than he already did
. She thought bitterly.

Also that wouldn't be the strangest thing in the world to her she had seen some pretty strange things in her life. He tensed and flinched away from her. Bet he thinks that i'm a little insane right about now. She thought sadly, everyone did even if they wouldn't admit it.

"Wow that's harsh, are they really that obvious?" He asked sounding dejected and annoyed and worried at the same time.

"WHAT?! So you mean you actually do have horns?! Are you one of those monsters that are always fallowing me?!" She almost shouted, clearly surprised despite her previous sentence. jumping back almost falling into the isle getting herself a nasty look from the buss driver in the mirror. she glared back and sat back down. someone behind them snikered.

"N-No! keep your voice down moron i am actually here to help you with that problem. I am your protector from camp half-blood, a satyr, i am half goat. You probably have no idea what the heck i am talking about but now that you know what i am we have to get out of here as soon as possible, i was alerted this morning that there was imminent danger of a monster attack. here's what we meed to happen when we get to school pretend to be sick and get out of school i will get you to the camp where we can explain." He said all of this with one breath and he sounded like he had had this conversation more than once. also, he said it all in one long confusing sentance. in other words he sounded like she usualy did to other people.

the bus was so loud on its own that she doubted that anyone would hear or care what she had to say but she quieted her voice to a harsh whisper anyways.

"What?! I cant just sneak out of school to go somewhere with, honestly the nicest person in the school, but I still don't really know you." She said in a what-the-frikin-heck-is-wrong-with-you-voice, running a hand through her already untidy hair. Outside the window they were just exiting a small park forest into a wide open space between the towering sky scrapers around them the openness made her nervous. Like anyone or anything could come after her at any time. but also claustrophobic somehow.

"You know all those monsters that keep coming after you and everyone just thinks that you are crazy?" He said as if he knew that she didn't believe him.

"well your not crazy you are perfectly normal for who you are for a demigod, maybe a lot more powerful, but just the same. I am here as your protector. they send us out to the schools all over the world to look for new demigods. but once a demigod has realized what they are, they are in even more danger than they were before. that is why we need to get out of here as soon as-" His sentence was cut off by the bus jerking so violently that he flew forwards over the seat into the person in front of him. She hit her head on the back of the seat that Jake had just gone flying over and the edges of her vision went black for a few seconds.

She sat up and felt that she had gotten a cut across her forehead when she slammed it into the seat, and to her irritation she could also feel a small warm trickle running down her forehead that she recognized to be blood.

"Jake! Are you ok?!" She shouted as the bus jerked again. making her repeat the motion, this time sending stars acrostic her vision and opening up her cut further.

She looked out her window to find out what the heck was happening that was making the bus jerk so violently, and she screamed. There was an enormous, dog half the length of the bus that seemed to be made of shadows, besides the glowing ruby eyes, but what just freaked her out was the boy on the pegasus diving out of the sky holding a sword coming right for them. "DUCK!!" She shouted as the boy got closer and closer with no inclination of stopping. she shoved someone down just as there was a loud thump on the roof of the bus, they grumbled something about her being a crazy lunatic thay was seing things but she ignored them. vaugly she thought she smelled gadsoline, the fule tank must have busted.

Percy Jackson

As blackjack dove towards the bus he saw something that made his heart skip, there was a small stream of fuel leaking from the bus one spark would send the bus all the way to Olympus and back.

" Blackjack! Slow down! We cant let that bus explode with everyone still on it! ill see if i can get a fire hydrant to blow!"

" I'm on it boss! dang that thing is huge! do i get a donught when we get back? i hope so! for this one i think i should get at least two! gez that ones even bigger than mrs. o'lery!"

He responded anyone watching this would have thought percy was insane talking to his horse except for the ones who knew about his strange ability to talk to horses. then again anyone who saw him riding his horse probobly already thought that they were crazy so... even if they did think that it was strange that he was talking to a horse they were probobly to busy panicking to care.

"DUCK!" He heard someone shout.
It sounded like a girl that must be the new demigod otherwise who else would have seen him falling from the sky? or it was just a very confused mortal. Whoever it was they were smart. Just then he landed blackjack on the roof of the bus. He jumped off and swung through a window sending broken glass everywhere, to help the kids out.


As the kid on the flying horse finally slowed down and landed on the roof, she had to duck anyways because just then he came swinging into the bus and landed on the seat across from her.

"Who the heck are you?! what the heck is that thing?! why dose jake have hooves and am i just insane?!"

She shouted over all the screaming sounding slightly panicked and annoyed.

" And where the heck did you get a horse with wings, and a sword?! are you from that camp? the heck kind of a camp is this?!" She was shouting questions at him so fast that she barely had enough time to breathe in between.

"Ha ha," He laughed " You are just like my friend Rachel! I would assume that you are the demigod I have been sent to get? Oh wait I guess that you wouldn't know about that yet unless,"

He looked around for someone. "Jake! hey are you ok man?" He asked her friend who apparently had horns, and the legs of goats.

" Does he look ok to you?! Moron! he hit his head on the seat in front of us he flew like five feet through the air!" She shouted at him waving her hands through the air, willing him to stop wasting time and do something helpful, her voice sounding squeaky annoyed and rough all at the same time. He looked at her again as if re-evaluating her personality.

"Actually more like Annabeth, or not, they both yell at me a lot so..."

Then he started helping the kids up out of the positions they had been thrown into when the bus had been attacked muttering somthing about all the girls he knew yelling at him a lot stepping off the seat and helping someone up off the floor . What was it with this kid he went from dive bombing the bus and doing a frikin awesome flip through the window to having a conversation to helping people off the bus in literally less than ten seconds!

who the frik is this kid?!

author note:

so what did u think of this new chapter? i think that i did a pretty good job.not the best writer in the world but the more you try the better you get, like this story. in this one i just introduced our main character. i had probably way to much fun with this. i have a very good story planned out. (evil grin) hope u like it. please comment and continue reading. ;)

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