Open Relationship - Chapter 11

Start from the beginning

“How was that?” Noah finally asked in a whisper and I laughed.

“Who said we were done?” I said, looking over at him. “That was round one, darling. I hope you’re ready for the next one.”  

By the time we were finished, Hollis had left again and I couldn’t get the smile off my face. I was lying across him, my head on his chest. “Do you want to get some lunch now?” Noah asked, lightly tracing lines down my back with his fingers. I giggled.

“I am kind of starving, but I don’t want to leave.” I groaned, moving my head to gaze up at him. Noah really was beyond attractive, even his voice left me with chills.

“Why don’t we order something, so we don’t have to go anywhere?”

“Mmm, I like the sound of that.”



I watched as she stood to go find a menu and smiled as she wrapped part of the sheet around her. She was really very beautiful, I couldn’t take my eyes off her: those long legs and that beautiful dark hair falling down her back. The fact that she looked ravaged only made me want her again.

That idiot Larry or whatever his name was could go to hell. James was mine and he wasn’t going to have her. Even as I thought that I knew what I was thinking was ridiculous. I loved Mae…right? James was just a casual relationship, not long term. But if that was really true, why was I striving to keep her with me? Why was I so intent on claiming her? Why was I so jealous?

Was I falling in love with James?


“So she said she’ll come?” Abby asked me and I nodded. She sprawled out on the couch and let out a sigh. “She better be smarter than your last girlfriend.” She snapped at me and I rolled my eyes. My sister always knew what to say. If you didn’t know her, you’d think she was the essence of sophistication. At 24 she was successful, and classy. If you knew her, she was crazy, loud, and blunt.

“You know, you should give Chloe a break.”

“Listen, she should’ve known that she couldn’t stay my friend after what she did to you.”

“Chloe wasn’t happy in the relationship. I just wish she’d told me before moving on to another guy.” I sat on the arm chair and looked up at the ceiling, sitting and just listening to the music.

“You guys didn’t do it on this couch, did you?” She asked out of nowhere and I burst into laughter.

“Oh yeah. Lots of times.” She made a face and then laughed.

“Yeah right.”

“What are you doing here anyway? Go away.”

“No. You love me. Besides, you promised you’d see that movie with me tonight. You’re not getting out of that.”

I groaned, putting my hands over my face. I didn’t want to go to work tomorrow. I wanted to see James again. I just felt that when I didn’t see her, that other idiot was working her over to his side. She deserved better. I could give her better. I’d been through my share of shitty relationships and knew that if she stayed with him she would just end up hurt. I wasn’t saying I loved the girl yet, but I liked her enough to care.

Unfortunately, all girls had this idea in their head that good guys don’t exist. They had to find something wrong with everyone. I’ll admit, I had my flaws. My biggest was my career. It’s why Chloe left, and Rachel, and Anna. I had the tendency to put my work before everything else. I knew this flaw, but I also felt that it should be respected that my work was important to me. Everyone wants to date a doctor that has all the time in the world. Those people are unrealistic. If you want me to be successful, then you have to understand I got this way for a reason.

I was hoping James could be different, understanding. The good thing was she had her own career she was concentrating on. She wouldn’t be expecting me at her beck and call like when I dated models, and daughters of my father’s friends. She would be different…she would be.

“All right, you’ve been sufficiently annoying. Let’s go.” I finally said, getting up and grabbing my keys. Abby jumped up and cheered before grabbing her purse and running to the elevator.

“Race you to the car?”

“There’s one elevator…” I said, an eyebrow cocked.

“Don’t be a party pooper cause you know you’ll lose…”

“Abby…Shut up.”

“I love you too!”

I couldn’t help but smile. She did always make my day a little better, and right now, with the conflict of James on my mind, I needed it.


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