Chapter Seventeen: Aftershocks

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My eyes tiredly blink open and I'm greeted by bright light. I groan as I snap my eyes shut, giving myself some time to adjust to the light.


"What..." I trail off as I open my eyes, seeing Mia's worried face above me. "How am I...the last thing I remember-"

"The Dean hurt you, it was really bad and I thought..." She sighs. "But I remembered the water that you grandmother gave you and that's what you're floating in right now."

It was just then that I realized that I was inside a fish bowl. "Oh." I right myself and with Mia's help, get out of the bowl. Once she places me down, I shift to my human form. The moment I'm on my feet, I'm nearly tackled by Mia, who wraps her arms around me.

"Please never scare me like that again. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you." She says.

Memories begin to flash in my mind. "You saved me."

She pulls away to look me in the eyes. "You were hurt and I didn't know what to do, but then I remembered the water skin. At first, I didn't know if it would work. You got a little a better, but you wouldn't wake up."

"Thank you for saving me," I told her. "What happened?"

Mia's face falls and she takes my hands, leading me to the bed and sitting down. She takes a deep breath. "After you were...stabbed," she choked out. "by the Dean, she went back to fighting Carmilla. When Carmilla saw what had happened to you, she knocked the Dean into the pit before she...before she jumped in and killed the light." She looks at me with tear filled eyes. "I'm sorry, Trinity. Carmilla's gone."

"Oh," I whisper in shock. Carmilla may not have always been the most welcoming but I did consider her to be a friend and comrade. "Laura must be heartbroken."

Mia nods. "It's been a rough week."

I look at her. "Week?" It couldn't have possibly been that long, could it?

"Yeah. That's how long you've been asleep." She tells me. "I didn't know if you were ever gonna wake up." She takes my hand, squeezing tightly. "You don't know how relieved I am. I came so close to losing you and I never got the chance to-" She cuts herself off.


Her chocolate eyes meet mine. "I never got the chance to tell you that I love you; and that I am so, so happy that you're my mate. I know neither of us is sure what will happen because I'm human, but as long as we're together I know that everything will be okay."

"I love you too," I tell her, smiling through my tears. "So much."

Mia pulls me in and out lips meet in deeply passionate, yet sweet kiss. As I continue to bask in the love of my mate, we are interrupted by the room shaking and a rumbling noise outside. I break the kiss and look around. "What was that?"

"Oh, we've been getting aftershocks all week ever since we stopped the sacrifice." We hear the sound of rushing feet outside the dorm. "What's going on?" We stand up and Mia opens the door just in time to see Perry pass us to knock on Laura's door.

I look down the hallway and my eyes bulge at the sight of an unconscious Carmilla in Danny's arms.

"Oh my God." Mia breathes.

Danny looks at me. "I see you're awake." She says, struggling a little with Carmilla.

Perry opens Laura's door. "Hey, Laura." She walks in. "Um, so, something happened, and, um, I just wanted to come prepare you so that you wouldn't freak out. So Kirsch and some of his Zeta bros were, um, throwing cherry bombs into the big pit under the Lustig; and, um, they found, um..."

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