Chapter Thirteen: Research

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The next morning, Mia and I are awoken by persistent knocks on the door. Mia groans as I crawl over her and out of the bed to answer it. I am greeted by Lola Perry with a plate of brownies in her hands.

"Good morning Trinity." She holds out the plate. "Have a brownie."

I tentatively take one. "Thanks Perry." I blink. "I don't wish to sound rude but what are you doing here?"

"It's almost about time for Laura and Carmilla to wake up. I figured you would want to be there when they do, I want to have a little talk."

"Trinity, it's not 5:45; who's at the door." Mia steps up behind me.

Perry's eyes widen. "Oh. I wasn't aware that you had company."

I nod, covering a yawn with me hand. "Perry this is Mia, she wants to help us find LaFontaine."

"Hi." Mia waves sheepishly.

"Hello." Perry nods. "Brownie?"

"Sure." Mia slowly grabs one from the plate.

We stand in awkward silence for a moment before I break it. "Perry, would you mind giving us a little time to freshen up? We'll meet you in Laura's room, okay?"

Perry nods. "Alright, see you in a bit." She continues on to Laura dorm as I close the door.

I turn to Mia. "Ready to meet my friends...well some of them?"

Mia tries to tame her hair with her free hand. "Not how I imagined our first meeting going, but sure. Let's do this." She looks at the brownie. "Might as well eat these, I don't see the opportunity for caffeine happening anytime soon."

After finishing the chocolate treat, which were pleasantly delicious, we made our way to the door when Mia stopped. I turn to look at her in confusion. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing it's just...when you introduce me, is it going to be just as your friend or your...girlfriend?"

I tilt my head. "Are we girlfriends?"

"I hope so. I mean...after last night..."

"Then we are girlfriends." I nod.

Mia smiles and pecks me on the lips, making me smile as well. "Then let's get going."

"Oh!" I walk to the bed and crouch, pulling out the book Grandmother gave me and grabbing my laptop. "I almost forgot."

We arrive at Laura's room in time to see her accepting a brownie from Perry and Carmilla sleeping on the floor.

"Sorry, I keep dreaming there's this giant cat thing sleeping on the floor." Laura tells her.

"Oh, that's probably just Carmilla." Perry nudges the sleeping vampire with her foot. "Carmilla. Carmilla."

"Ugh." She groans. "What?"

Perry holds out the plate. "Want a brownie?"

"Seriously?" the vampire asks. "I was just getting to sleep." She begins standing up. "Did you vacuum around me?" She turns around and sees me and Mia standing by the wardrobe. Her brows furrow at her. "Who the hell are you?"

"Oh, I'm Mia."

"She's my girlfriend. She wants to help us figure out how to find Lafontaine and stop the Dean." I tell her.

Carmilla raises an eyebrow. "What, so we're a fan club now?" She asks sardonically.

I bristle. "She's here to help, which happens to be something we're lacking in. Would it really hurt to have her around?"

Carmilla: TrinityWhere stories live. Discover now