Chapter Eight: Plan

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The next day as I make my way across the quad I'm stopped by the sound of my name being called. I recognize the voice immediately and turn to seek out the beauty.

"Trinity!" Mia jogs up to up to me. "Hey." She pants.

I smile at her. "Hey."

"I was uh, I was just wondering..."


"I know you don't really go to parties, but there's this luau thing tonight."

I nod. "The Zeta's are throwing it; are you going?"

"Yeah and I was just thinking, you had bad experiences at parties before...maybe it would be different if you knew someone there?"

"Are you asking me to go?"

"No! I mean, yeah I am. I just thought we could hang out together since our last meet up was interrupted."

On account of me having to save my friends from flying, fiery books. "I'm sorry about that."

She shakes her head. "It's no problem. So...what do you say?"

I blink. "Yes! I'll go to the party."

She beams at me. "Great. I guess I'll see you there."

I nod. "You will."

She shifts from foot to foot. "I'll just let you get to class then. Bye."

"Goodbye." I smile and watch her walk away before it occurs to me what I just agreed to. The plan! We're supposed to capture Carmilla tonight. As if I didn't have enough anxiety already, it basically skyrocketed at the fact that I just agreed to spend time with my mate again. Not only will she be at the party, but now I have to keep her occupied and away from any potential danger the plan may bring. I groan and continue on to class.

Later that evening, I stand in front of my wardrobe, wondering what to wear. I don't want to be in a dress if I happen to be in a fight. I move push the hanger aside. I know better than to wear a white top around frat boys. I push that aside as well. I finally settle on wearing a blue spaghetti strap tank top and jean shorts with strappy silver sandals. I walk over to my bed and crouch down; pulling out the satchel grandmother gave me from underneath it. I flip it open and search around for a few moments before my hand finally clutches the small object. I stare at the water crystal ring and sigh, hoping that I won't have to use it anytime soon.

I try to brush aside my worry, thinking of my conversation with my parents earlier today. Luckily for me, I was able to reach my mother while she was at the restaurant and dad was on his lunch break, which made the conversation as short as possible. After the shock of mating with a human wore off, I found myself being scolded for telling my grandmother before them, my mother quickly gave me her 'special' brownie recipe. I had to repeatedly explain to her that I will not use fairy dust to lure my mate to me.

After making sure that the satchel was safely tucked away, I lock the door to my room before making my way to Laura's.

I knock on the door and seconds later it is cracked open before I am fully pulled in by a pale arm that belongs to LaFontaine. "'bout time you got here." They say. I look around the room and see Perry sitting on Laura's bed while Danny stands near the bathroom door.

"Where's Laura?" I ask.

"Getting dressed." Danny grumbles. It's obvious that she is still unhappy with this plan.

"I still think this is crazy." Perry says.

LaFontaine scoffs. "Do you have any other ideas on how to catch a vampire?"

Carmilla: TrinityWhere stories live. Discover now