Chapter Twenty Seven

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The man just looked down, his hands together. "Mark."

Roy raised an eyebrow. "Last name?"


"Okay, Mark Ferdinand, explain what your friend was telling you at the grocery store about a meeting involving Cameron Aldaine."

He didn't say anything. Was there a reason he was keeping so silent?

"I'll ask you one more time. Explain the incident at the grocery store." 

"It doesn't matter what happened. That brat got into a personal conversation of mine, and it didn't concern her. It was a violation of privacy."

You looked him dead in the eye, trying not to get too angry.

"It's not a violation of privacy if someone overhears you, and especially if you're apart of a group the government is looking for at the moment. She's also a state alchemist, so she had the right to take you into custody on the spot. Maybe next time you shouldn't talk in public."

"Whatever. Why are you obsessed with our group anyways?" He said, playing dumb. 

"Answer the question that I asked." Roy said, firmly.

"Okay, I will, as soon as you answer mine. Why was she so upset when Aldaine's name was used?" He said, pointing to you. You didn't move or say anything because you were shocked he would ask something like that. 

"I mean, she was obviously way too angry. As soon as I told her to leave me to my work, she pulled me by my collar. No ordinary government member would resort to violence that fast if they weren't sensitive about the subject. There's no reason for that stupid girl to be in our business. Hey, girl, are you listening? Aldaine doesn't like you, and he never did. Get that through your head! He was just using you and your friends."

You stood up. "Shut up!" You screamed. "He... he saved my life. He could have let me die, but he didn't. Explain that!"

"But of course. Obviously, if he let you die, your little friends would be angry and probably threaten Cameron, making him suspicious. There were also other reasons. He needed you for something important! He couldn't just let you die, idiot!"

You grit your teeth. "Then why would he pretend to be a military officer in the first place! He had no reason to interfere with our departure from our home because a serial killer was on the loose!"

"You just don't get it, do you? You think he was helping you out? To get you away from Scar? He was trying to protect you from Scar so he could get you for himself! Do you really think he actually cared about you? That he was your friend? Ha! He just needs you, so he won't let you die just yet. And, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, stupid kid."

At this point, you couldn't tell if you were really angry or really upset. You felt like crying, a lot. You cared a lot about your friends, and to hear someone say that one of them didn't care at all about you, while insulting you? It really does hurt.

You didn't say anything. You squeezed your fists and looked down, your hair covering your eyes. You felt embarrassed and angry and upset all at the same time, but why?

"Aw, are you gonna cry? Why don't you go cry to your mommy and daddy?"

Your eyes widened at the mention of that subject.

"Oh, that's right... you don't have parents anymore."

Suddenly, your memories started flooding back. You remembered staying your summer at Granny's. Your parents were at war because they needed backup soldiers. Granny liked to call it your stay a very long sleepover. You stayed there for such a long time, you almost forgot that the war was ending soon. You didn't learn your parents were dead until you were 6. But during your long sleepover, you could still remember almost everything. The warm cookies the four of you ate after a long game of tag, or the lame spooky stories you would tell each other at night after bathing. 

But you never, ever forgot about your parents. And you never would. Even the mention of them always made you sad. It was definitely a sensitive subject.

But most importantly..

How did he know?

How did he know that your parents were dead?

You snapped back to reality. Your memories only lasted a few seconds, because something interrupted your deep thoughts. 

Edward stood up so fast, you only saw his movement for a split second. He walked over to the man and punched him, dead in his face, as hard as he could.

With his right arm.

In Your Arms (Edward Elric x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin