Chapter 3

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Erwin's P.O.V.

There was a knock at my door making me think it was either Levi or Hanji. But I was completely wrong when I opened it.

Scarlet stood there and gave me a salute, "Good Morning Commander. You wanted to see me?"

I opened the door wider for her to walk in, "Come in take a seat. I have a few things to talk about actually."

She sauntered into my office and sat down on a seat in front of my desk. Scarlet had perfect posture and everything, "What is it Commander?"

"Well I've noticed your skills from afar and I must say, you are like the female version of Levi. That's why I have decided to give you an important role in next weeks 57th Expedition Beyond The Walls." I walked over to my desk and sat down across from her, "My decision is making me think that you'll be a great help to humanity."

Scarlet's shoulders relaxed a bit, "I'm glad you think that sir. For a second I thought I was in trouble for something. So what is it you want me to do sir?"

"Instead of you being in the right flank you'll be up front with me in my squad. You'll be the assistant Commander." I laid out a map in front of her.

"Assistant Commander. I will not fail you sir." She looked over the map in front of her.

Yeah. I believe you won't fail me. That's why you're my fiancé.

"See. You would have originally been here in the right flank. That's heavy Titan territory. But since we'll be up front and center, you'll be helping me with a special mission in the forest." I glanced up at her examining the map. Her purple eyes were shining from the afternoon light that faded into my office. It made her even more beautiful.

"If I may ask, what's the mission sir?" Scarlet looked up at me with a curious face.

"General Pixis has been reporting to me that there have been recent sightings of groups of Titans just running around together. Surely there has to be a reason for why that's happening so you'll be helping me throughout the expedition."

"I understand sir. Is there anything else you would like to talk to me about?" That's when it hit me though. The gleam of her necklace I sent her last night. She was actually wearing it.

"The necklace I sent you yesterday. I see you're wearing it. Do you like it?" The leather of my chair met my back as I leaned backwards against it.

"I do sir. It is a very beautiful necklace. I thank you for it." She smiled warmly at me, "I have never received a gift this nice before."

"How come If I may ask." This caught my interest. I wanted to know how her past, "Did something happen in your past? Well you don't actually have to answer."

Scarlet shook her head, "No no. It's alright. My past it was kind of rough..."

"How so?"

"Well, there were four of us in our family. My two parents, my older brother and me. You see, my parents they were abusive to my brother and I. Eventually, my brother began to get fed up with the abuse. It made him stressed and it he was going crazy. So that's when he decided to enlist into the Scouting Legion. As soon as he left for training...well that was the last time I saw him. I don't even know if he's alive anymore." She looked down at her hands and sighed, "My parents were eventually murdered by some gang members because of a fight...I was left all alone. In that cold house. Eventually my neighbors had found out and they took me under their care. But I'm still kind of traumatized by everything that had happened in the past."

"Well look at yourself now. You grew up to be a strong woman. You're one of the toughest female soldiers in the Scouting League. Don't let the past envelope you in it's darkness."

I don't know if I was hallucinating or not but I saw a light blush form on her cheeks, "A-alright. Well it was finally nice to meet you Commander Erwin. I'm going to excuse myself now. I'm going to check on the new Scouting League Members."

"Okay Lieutenant Wentz. Keep up the good work. We'll touch base soon." I nodded as she began to walk out of the room.

Scarlet's P.O.V.

Current Time: 10:55 p.m.

No! Klyde you cannot leave me! Please don't leave me with the mean monsters.

A little girl about 8 years old dressed in a light green dress fell to her knees with tears in her eyes.

"I can't take it here anymore Scarlet. I'm enlisting. To prove to myself that I'm not useless. But I promise you that I will come back for you. We'll be together again soon."

Suddenly he disappeared. Gone. Like the wind. Out of my sight. Out of my life.

"Why did I have that dream again?" I sat up in my bed breathing heavily.

'Scarlet. Scarlet I will see you soon.' That voice in my head. Why did it sound so familiar yet comforting?

I don't know who's voice this was but I began to have this warm feeling that something good will happen to me soon.

'We'll be together again soon my dear sister...'


Sorry for the short chapter!! But I promise there's something big in store coming soon. So prepare!!!

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