Chapter 11

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Scarlet's P.O.V.

"You're recovery is going well I presume?"

It's been a while since Levi and I talked like this. We were always so busy getting ready for the Expedition or training out squads.

Right now we were taking an easy stroll around the HQ just talking, mainly about our roles for the plan that is happening tomorrow.

"Yeah pretty well. The pain has subsided alot. It's just a little sore now but I have a battle scar haha." I tried to lighten the mood a bit.

"That's good."

"So I heard I'm going to be up with you and Erwin during the plan tomorrow. He wants me to be up in an easy position since I'm still recovering."

We stopped in the courtyard and watched everyone scramble around getting ready for tomorrow. It was so chaotic and hectic.

"You better take it easy Scarlet. After all you are like my little sister." Levi gave me a pat on the back.

Little Sister...

It's to soon to hear those words right now.

"Can you please excuse me for a second Levi? I don't feel so good... I think I'm going to head back to my room and lay down for a bit." I turned and began to walk towards the directions of all the rooms.

My world began to spin again. The pain in my abdomen began to return. Memories of Petra, Klyde and my parents began to fade back.

It was all to much for me to handle. I couldn't take it. Was this all being caused because Levi called me his little sister?

N-no it couldn't have been. I can't be that week.

But suddenly I found myself leaning against the wall for support and gasping for air. W-what was happening to me?

Erwin's P.O.V.

"WOOAH YOU GUYS ARE GETTING MARRIED?!" Hanji shouted and held her hands up in the air.

"Please don't shout. And to answer your question yes we are getting married." I recently told Hanji because for sure I've decided to tell Scarlet the info today. If the plan doesn't go well, I know that she knows that I want to marry her.

"Does she know you're marrying her? Wait you guys were a couple?! Since when?!" She was really cheery and jittery when she heard all this.

"No. Not yet. We were never a couple. But the King wants me to be betrothed to someone on a list of suitable females he gave me. I've been in love with her even before that. And luckily for me she was on the list."

"I wonder if Titans get married..." Hanji's attention drifted elsewhere as she began to walk away thinking about it.

Suddenly I noticed Levi walking down the hallway alone. I thought he had been on a walk with Scarlet.

"Oi Erwin," Levi walked up to me with his arms crossed, "If I were you, I would go check on your fiancé. She didn't look to well."

She didn't look to well? Was she in pain when she was walking?

"Where is she Levi? I want to know."

"She told me she was going to retire to her room. To lay down for the rest of the day." Levi began to walk off.

I take it that was his signal for me to go look for her.

I'll have someone else take care of my remaining tasks for now. Scarlet's health was on the top of my list.

I turned and headed towards the direction of her room. It was on the second floor of the HQ where most of the dormitory rooms were.

My footsteps began to echo as I entered the stone hallway. One by one, each room didn't have a sign of Scarlet. She wasn't in the hallway. Or in her room! Where could she be?

I quickly dashed out of the hallway and into the next. One by one I couldn't find her. Once I made it back down I noticed a girl in the has near the stables.

As I approached, I noticed she was leaning against the wall with her eyes closed and she was grasping her stomach. Her breathing was heavy and her forehead was covered with beads of sweat. Not to mention, she was inexplicably pale as well. That's when it hit me, IT WAS SCARLET!

"Scarlet!" I quickly walked over to her and caught her just as she was about to collapse.

I kneeled to the ground and rested her head in my lap. Her eyes slowly opened and she looked up at me.

"C-Commander? Erwin?" Her voice was soft, shaky, and helpless, "What happened?"

"That's what I was going to ask you. I found you about to collapse after Levi told me that you were not feeling well. He said that you were going to retire to your room, and this isn't your room." I brushed a strand of hair out of her face.

"I guess I didn't make it... something made me feel like I was carrying 200 pounds and I couldn't bear it." She said weakly.

"You must not be fully recovered yet... come let's get you down." I picked her up like a bride and walked towards the direction of her room.

She was so light and weak. I could carry her like a feather. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing heavily with her head against my chest.

We soon arrived at the front of her room. I slowly opened the door without her falling out of my arms.

I placed her back down in her bed and the blanket over her.

"C-Commander?" She slowly opened her eyes and turned her head towards me.

"Call me Erwin, and yes what is it?" I took a seat next to her bed and took her hand into mine. Unintentionally of course, but I don't think she minded.

"Why do you always go out of your way to help me with so much?" She asked in a curious tone.

Would this be the right time? The right time to tell her that she's my wife?

I can't lie. I'm the kind of person who doesn't lie to anyone. And I can't especially lie to her. she's the woman I love.

"Scarlet... there's something I've been meaning to tell you. I wanted to tell you last time I saw you but you fell asleep." I said as I brushed a strand of her hair out of her face.

"What is it Commander- er I mean Erwin?" She slowly turned on her side and smiled softly at me.

"We're engaged..."

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