Chapter 4

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Current Time: 11:45 A.M.

Location: Survey Corps HQ

Scarlet's P.O.V.

Today is the day of our expedition. We were to leave from Karanes at 1:00 P.M.

The whole purpose of this expedition was to go to the basement of Eren's home in Zhiganshina. Commander believes it holds a key to the Titans secrets.

Right now I was tending to my horse until Rose from my squad ran up to me, "Captain Scarlet!!"

She hid behind me, "T-there's a man here...he looks just like you. He has the hair, and even the purple eyes it's creepy!"

Out of the members of my squad, Rose had to be the oddest one. But it's not that I didn't mind.

Soon enough, a male emerged from the shadows of the HQ. He had on his uniform along with his cape with the survey corps logo. His eyes though, they were just like mine. Not very many people had purple eyes like mine.

"Scarlet..." He said as he walked closer to me.

That voice... it's the voice I continuously hear in my mind. The one that always gives me the strength to go on.

"Rose can you please go and stay with the rest of the squad? Remember I'm not going to be with you guys today." I sighed as I pulled my horse out of it's stable.

As soon as Rose disappeared out of sight, I turned towards the male who stood before me.

"How can I help you?" I looked up at him as my horse nudged my shoulder.

"I finally have some free time to get to see you again. I can't believe how much you've grown. I can't believe you joined the military. You told me you never would do that." He smiled and stepped closer to me with his eyes wide open.

"I've only told that to-" I cut myself off when I finally realized who this was, "K-Klyde??" The reins of my horse slipped out of my hand as I ran into his arms, "Klyde!"

I felt tears form in my eyes as his warmth engulfed me. These warm arms I've missed for at least 15 years. They're finally with me again.

"Okay. So I remember you telling me that you would never join the military. But as soon as I heard how great you are with the survey corps, I've decided to come and look for you. I've been so busy with training..." He stroked my hair gently while hugging me.

"How ironic that I would meet you the day of our expedition." I giggled as I looked up at him, "Where are you going to be placed?"

"Near the rear to the right. How about you Humanity's Strongest Female?" He chuckled as he played with my hair.

"I don't know if I'll be allowed to tell you..." I whispered as I pet my horse's mane.

"She's going to be up with me." Suddenly Commander Erwin's voice filled our ears.

He placed a hand on my shoulder then looked at my brother,"I see you found your sister. Scarlet told me the other day what you guys have gone through. So I'm glad you found her. But I'm sorry to take her away from you. We have some important business to do."

"Commander, may I make a request?" My brother spoke up and held his hand up.

"Go ahead."

"Protect Scarlet. Because after this expedition, I plan on reconnecting with my sister again after. Her safety is my highest priority." He tensed up a bit as if he made a mistake.

"Trust me. She will be on the top of my list to protect. I will not let anything happen to her." Commander Erwin then ushered me to somewhere else with my horse.


Short short I know. I just needed a filler for before they leaved on the expedition. I will most likely update every weekend okay?

Mind reading my other story? It's called We Meet Again. A Filharmonic fanfic :)))

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