Chapter 18

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Scarlet's P.O.V.

Everything went pretty well at my hearing. In fact they questioned me about the oddest of things.

They questioned me more about Mine and Erwin's engagement and wedding arrangements more than the Female Titan case.

'So when did you get engaged?!'

'Was this an arranged marriage?'

'How long did this go on?'

It was quite amusing actually.

But now everything was calming down. The Injured soldiers and civilians were resting peacefully in hospitals recovering.

The Survey Corps had arrived back at the HQ. All the soldiers settled back in and either went home or stayed in their rooms in the HQ.

Right now I was sitting on my window seat staring up at the moonlight.

"Hey Big Brother... today was such an eventful day. We have custody of the girl who stole your precious life. The Capitol sort of got destroyed but not destroyed. And I kissed Erwin..." I felt myself blush at that last part, "But I still wish you were here. I wish you would come to mine and Erwin's wedding."

I had that feeling again. That feeling where I felt him enveloping me in his arms. It felt like he was here with me again.

I closed my eyes and placed my hand on my chest. I began to loose track of time. "Klyde I miss you..."

Suddenly someone knocked at my door, "Scarlet are you in there?"

Erwin's P.O.V.

I was done with my work for the whole day. Well all I had to do was just sort out a few things and I could retire for the day.

So I kept that promise I made to Scarlet and I made her way over to her room. I was in my white button up, black jeans and boots. I left my jacket in my room along with everything else.

"Scarlet?" I asked again.

"It's open." I heard her say from the other side.

I popped open the door to find her sitting on her window seat with the moonlight shining down on her. She truly was beautiful. Scarlet looked so relaxed right now. Her long black hair was out of a ponytail. She was dressed in a long white button up and a black skirt.

"Hi Erwin." She smiled and patted the spot behind her.

I closed the door and walked over behind her. Both her feet were on the chair so I sat like her, but she was in between my legs resting her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her to make her feel safe and protected.

"I'm glad you remembered the promise Erwin." She smiled and held onto my hand.

"This wasn't the only promise remember? You promised me that you were going to tell me about all your happy moments before you joined the Survey Corps." I said as I felt my thumbs caress her knuckles.

"Don't worry I didn't forget, I'm going to only tell you one tonight though." She smiled up at me without taking her head off of my chest.

"How come only one?"

"Because since we're going to be married, I want to tell you one each night."

"I like that idea." I smiled down at her played with her hair.

"When I was little and my parents were out. Klyde would always take me out to the market. I loved to see the commotion and happiness of everyone there. But there was this one time where Klyde bought me a doll at the market. I remember being extremely happy because it's the first thing anyone had ever given me as a gift." She smiled out the window probably thinking about her brother.

"Do you still have the doll?" I asked.

In my opinion I actually wanted to see the doll. I wanted to see what kept the love of my life so happy.


"Can I see it?"

"I didn't say if I did have it still." She poked my chest and giggled.

"Maybe this will make you answer me then." I gently picked up her chin and tilted it so our lips were angled with each others. I brought them together and soon enough the two of us were in a deep but passionate kiss.

Scarlet turned so she was facing me and wrapped her arms around my neck so she could hold on.

But soon enough the two of us both pulled away to catch our breaths.

"Alright alright I still have it..." She escaped my grasp and went over to her closet.

Soon enough she came back with a small little doll dresses in a pink dress with frilly blonde curls that were almost the exact shade of my hair color. The skin tone was in between mine and Scarlet's and the eyes of the doll were the same eyes of Scarlet's. Brown and beautiful.

It's seemed almost as if, if we had a girl child in the future this is how she would look.

Scarlet crawled back into my lap and held the doll up in her hands, "I named her Maya."

"She must hold a lot of memories for you." I said as I stared at the doll that stared up at me.

"Yeah..." She said as a small yawn escaped her mouth.

"You must be exhausted from today too. Let's get some rest. Tomorrow we'll announce our engagement okay?" I picked her up bridal styled and laid her gently in her bed.

"You're staying with me tonight right?" She asked as she brought the doll close to her chest and gave me the pleading eyes.

"I will. After all I'm not the kind of man to break promises." I got in the bed next to her and pulled the blanket over the two of us.

She immediately came close to me and rested her head on my chest, "Erwin I love you, I really do."

"I love you too Scarlet." I kissed her forehead and wrapped my arms around her.

Soon enough she fell asleep in my arms. My desire was finally being fufilled.

The desire of wanting to be the one she says I love you too. The desire of wanting to hold her while she sleeps. The desire of being wanted by her.

I could not wait for our wedding actually. We would be an official married couple.

But I should cherish this time with her now. It's amazing for how much she has changed me.

It's amazing what being in love can do to a man.




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